The Battles: Work VS Play, Chores VS Children
I am sure most parents would agree with me the one of the biggest battle of the minds in parenting is when to work and when to play...when to tackle chores and when to invest time in your children. Yesterday was Monday. The day after Easter. I had mounds of laundry calling my name. I had Easter 'loot' littering the house that needed put away. I had a growing "To Do" list to tackle in my already busy week. And then he saw them. My 2 year old spots his beloved container of bubbles. P looks at me with his big, brown eyes and begs for me to blow them for him. I am suddenly faced with a decision. Do I force him to surrender his desires and agree to play with him... later? Or do I surrender my desires, my to-do list , my workaholic mind-set and play with him... now? I took a deep breath, surrendering all the chores that were calling for my attention. I swallowed down the temptation to say, "Later." I keeled in front of my son's face, full of anticipation. ...