Heavy Heart
I don't know about you, but in the last few weeks my heart has gotten extremely heavy as I look at the current events of our world. I think it started a few weeks ago when Josh Dugger's Ashley Madison account was exposed, then the Planned Parenthood videos came out, then details on the persecuted Christians in Syria became more real, then Kim Davis is jailed when she exercises her freedom of faith, and now Black Lives Matter activist groups threaten to kill "white people". It's sad. It's sickening. And it's worrisome. All the heartache, violence, and robbed freedoms has reminded me that the safest place in all the world is under a shadow--the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91 gives us some pretty marvelous promises if we choose to live under His wings, in the Holy of Holies. He promises divine protection. Obviously, Christians are not immune from trials, but God promises to protect is in trials. He will be by our side, every step of the way in the d...