Smashed Victim

After a weekend away, we returned home yesterday to find this: Obviously, someone seemed to find humor in smashing our 1 year old mailbox, causing our mail to get saturated from the rain and blow around the neighborhood. I know it's a small act of vandalism, but the experience still left me feeling violated, angry, and wanting justice. In my mind, it feels ridiculous that my hard-working husband has to pay for a new mailbox, while an somewhere out there an immature, bored individual gets away with this "hilarious" action. Living in a fallen world, it's a fact we all face daily. People are going to hurt us with their words and actions. We make mistakes. We live with regrets. We will feel angry and desire justice. This week I will celebrate both Mother's Day and my 10 year wedding anniversary. In both my parenting and my marriage, I make plenty of mistakes. There are many days my impatient and selfish ways win over my patient and giving ways. Sometimes an...