Chutes and Ladders

I know it's been entirely too long since my last blog post! A quick look inside my brain would also attest to this fact that it's been too long since I've sorted my thoughts and they will likely come out a bit jumbled and confused in this post. Last week I was playing a game of Chutes and Ladders with my youngest. As many parents can probably agree with me, it is one of the most frustrating games ever invented! My 6 year old was close to tears when he kept landing on slide after slide. I was humored by his struggle, even though I was the one that had the luck of landing on that long ladder up, followed by that long slide down...3 times in one game! I realized, in the midst of this game, that, quite honestly, my life has felt much like a game of Chutes and Ladders the past 6 weeks. Life full of exciting highs and extreme lows. A game with a variety of emotions, with highs, lows, and mediocre middle. A game that feels like it will never end and feels void of fu...