Beautifully Unique

Last week we had a Paint Night with the 4th-6th-grade girls from our church. If you've never done a paint night with friends, I highly recommend it! It's relaxing, fun and always neat to see how each person's painting turns out a little different! It was during the painting time that I overheard various conversations that have stuck with me the past several days and caused me to think and reflect. When we were wrapping up and nearing the end, I heard one girl comment, "Isn't it crazy that we love our painting and are happy with it, but then we start looking around at other paintings and suddenly we don't think ours is very good anymore?" The other girl replied, "Yeah, I guess that's called human nature." Hmmm...So much truth and sadness rolled up in that statement! Human nature does compare and robs us of joy and contentment. How quick we are to compare our bodies, our strengths and weaknesses, our homes, our families, and ou...