The Lord is My Shepherd: Part 2

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me: Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me" Psalm 23:4. This verse is, perhaps, the most familiar of Psalm 23. It's often quoted at memorial services or memorized from childhoods. We all face dark valleys in our lives and this promise can bring peace and comfort in the face of unknowns. David, the shepherd boy, understood this reality when he authored this psalm. He knew that pastures eventually became bare and he would need to guide his flock to the high country in the mountains. With his rod and his staff, he would lead and protect his flock throughout the journey. And we can trust God to do the same. He will lead us to the high country. Yes, the journey will take us through rugged ravines and dark valleys, but He will be there, guiding us through it all. Remember, God will lead us through...not around these valleys of heartache, grief, or death of a dream. There is some...