2014-Giving up my control to The One

We are a month into the new year of 2014 and I have decided to give blogging a try. Mainly as a way to de-clutter my mind and organize into complete thoughts what God is teaching me.

By nature, I am a control freak. I love to plan and order my life; I love to plan out my days and weeks. It's addicting and it gives me a rush when I can check something else off my list. But, God has been slowly pricking away at this mindset of having total control. Ultimately, it is He who is in control! So, how can I change my way of thinking? How can I further mold my life into what God has in mind for me and my family?

Obviously, surrender doesn't come naturally to most humans. But, it's in this place that I find myself most at peace. Surrendered fully into the hand of Christ; letting him work out the fine details of life. And me... enjoying the ride with Him at the wheel!


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