The Hidden Truth

A few months ago, we captured this family picture at my sister-in-law's wedding in Texas.

I love everything about this picture. Our smiles, our outfits, our poses. I know I am biased since it's my family, but don't we look like the perfect, happy little family?!

But, I think we all know there is no perfect, happy little family that exists. Every family has their bad moments. We all have our ugly sides. Therefore, I will share with you this picture that was captured just minutes before:

No, I am not worshiping the sun. I am throwing up my hands in exasperation because, seriously, that was the 5th time my son fell flat on his face within the same hour! I'm not sure if it was the loose stones or his new cowboy boots, but he KEPT falling. Every time a picture was in order, he'd take off running and fall splat on his face! Thankfully, my son...aka Mr. Smiley...recovers quickly and easily smiles again!

In this day of social media and photo shopping, the desire to portray a life of perfection runs high. A life with no flaws can be captured if we allow the camera lens or online posts to lie for us. 

I think that's why people love these videos because they portray the real struggle of life with added extremes for humor!

The truth is, nobody has it all together! It's so easy to look at other families and strive to be like them. It's easy to look at our own lives and see failure. It's easy to become discontent with our lives and the journey we're traveling.

Today, I want to remind you that you're not the only one with imperfect kids, an imperfect husband, an imperfect.body, and an imperfect life! This year I'm striving to find the joy and humor in all the imperfections of my life. I want to relax and stop striving for perfection. I want to laugh more, smile more, and live real. 

I'm going to stop hiding behind the fake smile. I'm going to be real and honest with others about the ups and downs of life. I'm going to stop expecting perfection from others. And I'm going to speak and live the truth.

Who is joining me?


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