
As humans, we make hundreds of choices on a daily basis. From small, insignificant choices like what to wear and what to eat, all the way to big, life-altering choices about careers and finances.

When my kids were younger, they had no choice about what they were wearing or what they got to eat. I handed it to them and expected them to comply. But, recently, I began to loosen the reigns in this area. After all, they need to learn to dress themselves in matching clothes! I need to support them in their preferences in clothing choices and let them decipher what they're hungry for. (And, no, I do not make them all something different for dinner each night! This is simply for breakfasts/lunches!)

For example, this morning they had a choice of eggs or cereal for breakfast. Although my main reason in allowing them more personal choices is so they learn to dress themselves and make healthy choices, I've also discovered I'm raising some strong-willed children and choices=less battles...most of the time! Today's cereal choice by Child #3 still ended in drama because he changed his mind when it was too late!

Seeing my children make their own choices and have their own preferences is just one more sign that they are growing up. As a parent, that is our job: to raise children into independent adults that know how to make positive life decisions by weighing pros/cons, preferences, instincts, and God's will.

We are six weeks into the new year of 2015 and I confess that I'm already tired of making choices. My husband and I seem to be in a season of many changes and have already been faced with several life-altering choices regarding family, ministry, business, and plans to build a home. At times, I grow weary of making choices and decisions and just want to go back to the baby stage and let God hand me all the answers on a platter.

But, I am learning there is growth and maturity that happens when God gives us a choice.

When we seek His face and His leading, He faithfully answers.

As we discern what He is speaking to us, we are refined.

Just as my children still need me and trust me in their simple choices, I too, need to trust my Father in the choices He leads me to. As a parent, I would never give poison or something harmful as an option for them to consume. In the same way, God would never lead me to making a choice that is detrimental to me.

Even in our culture of many choices and options, God has reminded me that He wants to be a part of it all. Every choice, every decision and every thought: He desires to know about. He wants constant communication with me! There is no decision or choice too small for Him to care about. God has no joy in handing us all the answers. He wants to see us pursue Him and His heart for our lives.

So, whether you are facing a sea of decisions or you just need the simple reminder that God cares about even the smallest details of your life, be encouraged that it excites Him to see His child growing, maturing, and involving Him in every choice you make!


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