
Showing posts from July, 2015

Give Thanks

I don't know if it's mid-summer blues and boredom. Or maybe it's due to the fact we are moving this week and my husband and I are stressed, with little time and attention to offer. Perhaps it's because tomorrow is full moon. Whatever the cause, my kids are out of control. On a week that I would love to let them veg in front of the TV or computer, they, unfortunately, lost that privilege on Monday. For clarity, the behavior I am referring to consists of disobedience, talking back, fighting, kicking, hitting, and biting.  I'm not joking...biting has been an issue this week! Not sure if I am currently parenting children or animals. All this unwanted behavior has given me serious doubts in the parenting realm. Do I have what it takes to raise Godly, respectful, loving, and caring adults?! There is my mistake..."I". Of course, a sinful, messed-up human being like me certainly cannot turn my fighting brood into angelic beings. Lord Jesus, come.  That wa...

Embrace the Journey

Ever have one of those days where it feels everything you start, ends in failure or disaster? Or maybe life's circumstances just have you down of late. Maybe you can identify with Charlie Brown: Funny, but oh, so true.  Sometimes it is so easy to enjoy the paved roads and smooth sidewalks through  life, but what do we do when the road gets rocky and bumpy? Do we press on, knowing that God balances rain with sunshine, storms with peace, tears with laughter? Psalm 91:15 says, "He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. Do we have the courage to look away from ourselves and our difficulties and turn, in faith, to look to Christ? Whatever journey God may be taking you on right now, remember God never wastes 'detours.' How much of our journey do we overlook because we are too busy focused on tomorrow? I encourage you to embrace the now. If anyone is a pro at overcoming obstacles, tha...

Cardinal Red

It's not uncommon for God to speak through nature. God spoke to Moses through the burning bush. (Exodus 3) God used a storm and a big fish to make His plan very clear to Jonah. David often referred to nature in his psalms: "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them." Psalm 8:3-4 Many people can agree that we feel closest to our Creator when we enjoy His creation. Quite a few years ago, I was at the age of the 'crossroads.' I was eighteen and my life stretched before me. I had several life-altering decisions ahead of me including plans after graduation, dating, and career choices. There was no clear right or wrong way and I found my mind in turmoil. I still remember sending a pleading prayer to God from my chair on the porch of a rustic cabin. "God, I don't know how to ask for a clear answer, but if this is wh...