Give Thanks

I don't know if it's mid-summer blues and boredom. Or maybe it's due to the fact we are moving this week and my husband and I are stressed, with little time and attention to offer. Perhaps it's because tomorrow is full moon. Whatever the cause, my kids are out of control.

On a week that I would love to let them veg in front of the TV or computer, they, unfortunately, lost that privilege on Monday. For clarity, the behavior I am referring to consists of disobedience, talking back, fighting, kicking, hitting, and biting. I'm not joking...biting has been an issue this week! Not sure if I am currently parenting children or animals.

All this unwanted behavior has given me serious doubts in the parenting realm. Do I have what it takes to raise Godly, respectful, loving, and caring adults?!

There is my mistake..."I". Of course, a sinful, messed-up human being like me certainly cannot turn my fighting brood into angelic beings.

Lord Jesus, come. That was my heartfelt cry. Show me how to parent my children, because what I am doing is not working. Fill me to the brim with love, patience, and grace. I squelch Satan's lies of all my failures and hold on You. Be the pilot in this storm.

Soon after my prayer of desperation, a friend posted this on Facebook and it really resonated with me.

The 9 most important minutes of child/parent relationships are the first 3 minutes when they awake, the first 3 when they return home from school, and the last 3 before bed. This seemed so doable and my suspicions were that my children weren't getting the attention, love, and touch that they needed, so they were acting out negatively.

So, I gave it a try. I was more intentional about eye contact, gave more hugs and kisses, and conversed with them more than just barking orders at them. The day still had some bad episodes, but definitely a huge improvement. 

Then, my devotions this morning were on 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 

Even when our kids misbehave, give thanks.
Even when a loved one is sick or is taken in death, give thanks.
Even when money is tight, give thanks.
Even when a job is lost, give thanks.
Whatever challenging circumstance you face today, give thanks.

I fully believe that God never commands what He cannot enable us to fulfill. When Jesus was ministering on earth, His commandments enabled people to do the impossible. He commanded cripples to walk and they were healed. God commands and He enables. So, if He commands me to be thankful for all things and in all things, then He will enable me to obey Him.

So, if you're feeling discouraged and hopeless, keep the faith! Trust in God's love because His mercies are new every morning! Give thanks in whatever storm you are in and Your pilot will guide you through.


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