Not Enough or Enough

This week my husband went to the doctor to get a strange growth on his back checked out. Half an hour into his appointment, I get this text: "I'm headed to the hospital for emergency surgery." A minute later this text: "Hehe, just kidding! It was a cyst and he removed it."

The only reason I thought this was remotely humorous was due to the fact that I happened to read the 2nd text first! I was relieved to know that it was nothing more serious and glad the doctor removed it right away, instead of making him come back.

But, my ability to laugh at the joke my husband played on me had me feeling a bit guilty this week.

Guilty that my family is healthy, while others I know are fighting cancer and rare disorders.

Guilty that my family is whole, while others I know are burying loved ones.

Guilty that my husband and I have a wonderful marriage filled with jokes and laughter, while others I know are struggling.

Guilty that I find myself in a place of enough.

My heart aches for those who find themselves in hard places. So to anyone who is hurting today, I want you to know I hurt with you. I can't possibly understand all that has caused your circumstance, but God does.

In my devotions this morning I read from Matthew 14. It's the familiar text about Jesus feeding the thousands with two fish and five loaves of bread. What caught my attention were the verses prior to the miracle. Jesus had just learned about John's (his cousin) death. Deep down, Jesus wanted solitude. He needed time to process this news and replenish His spirit in God's presence. But, instead of receiving solitude, Jesus was greeted by multitudes, had compassion, and ministered to them for the rest of the day! And because Jesus was in a state of enough, he could minister effectively.

As the day wore on, the thousands became hungry, but the disciples did not believe five loaves and two fish were enough. Don't we all face "not enough" crises in our lives?

Too many bills and not enough money.

Too many doctor appointments and not enough answers.

Too many responsibilities and not enough time.

But Jesus can multiply. His "enough" can trump our "not enough". Through Him our "not enough" becomes plenty and we can be satisfied.

Oh how we can learn from Jesus' example! We need to go to the Father first when we find ourselves in a crisis. Only He can give the comfort, love, and guidance we so desperately need!

If you find yourself in a state of "not enough" today, I pray you can find Jesus to be your enough in your difficulties. He will not fail you.

If you find yourself in a state of "enough" today, I pray that your eyes can be opened to the needs around you. May you bring Jesus and "enough" to someone's "not enough" day. 


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