Out of Control

I believe, if we are totally honest with ourselves, we all have moments in our lives where we realize that no matter how much we plan, organize, or prepare, we are 100% without control of our very own lives! This has been something that God has been teaching, refining, reminding, and showing me, especially the past 2 years of my life. This realization has also been the foundation of starting and naming my blog, where other women can relate to the 'out of control' state we often find ourselves in and spur one another on towards relinquishing our control and handing it over to the God who should and needs to be the Head of our minds and hearts.

Quite honestly, the past few weeks have reminded me, yet again, how little control I have over life and what a fragile gift each new day is. Two weeks ago I had to deal with the grief of losing a friend, a young wife and mother. Her life here on earth felt cut short and her passing was so sudden and shocking. Life suddenly felt chaotic and uncertain and it was easy to question, "Where IS God and what is He doing?!"

This week has also been a roller coaster of emotions with this pending snowstorm. This weekend I was supposed to be at a retreat with all my friends. We were intending to have a care-free, relaxing, fun, God-filled weekend. I have never watched the news and forecasts so much in one week! But, not even the meteorologists and fancy weather satellites can keep this storm from coming...they can predict it, but they can't prevent it.

And so these circumstances are grim reminders how humans have little to no control over our lives. We cannot even predict what will happen a moment from now. It's a humbling reality, isn't it?

But, if our faith is built on the solid Rock, we do not need to fear the unknowns and the storms of life. God does not always prevent the storms from taking place in our lives, but He will be present in them.

Recently, I have been enjoying and challenged by a devotional study of Exodus and the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt. Ten plagues. God's people were witnesses to ten terrible plagues. Life must have looked so uncertain, chaotic, and out of control. God is God and wouldn't there be another, easier way for Him to free His people? But, this is how God chose to carry out His plan, so "that My wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt." (Ex 11:9)

I am aware that God likes to do things differently than what us, as humans, think is best. His way may often look chaotic, out of control, difficult, or unfair. But, it is a very healthy perspective to realize that we are very much out of control of our own lives and what perfect peace we are able to experience when we surrender the driver's seat to the God of the Universe and become content with the control-less passenger seat!

So, whatever disappointments, challenges, or unknowns you are facing today, I encourage you to trust that God is multiplying His wonders in your life! It may take time, patience, and an indirect route, but He will be faithful to guide you through the dry, dusty desert all the way to your Promised Land.


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