Tooth Fairy

Normally I would consider myself a detail-oriented person. I typically have a vivid memory, forgetting very little. In fact, I identify with this statement quite well because I have had too many encounters where I remember people, places, or memories a little to well and I get a look that says, "Who are you and why do you know so much?"

But, there is one area where I am extremely lacking in the memory department. I make a terrible tooth fairy! In fact, I believe I was so horribly forgetful for my daughter that she caught onto me by tooth #3! But, my 6 year old son still fully believes that a fairy flies into his room, takes his baby tooth, and leaves him some money. 

Now, there is a drastic difference between how my daughter and son lose their teeth. My daughter has a lose tooth for months. I hear about in constantly. I offer to pull the dangling thing out, but receive a quick refusal. So, it's true rejoicing when the thing finally falls out on it's own. My son apparently can't stand loose teeth. He has a loose tooth for a couple of hours before he pulls it out himself! So for him, there is very little hype and drama.

This week he loses tooth #3 and places it in the little tooth pillow I made for him. I confess, I forgot the minute I put him to bed. There was no memory of his tooth in my mind. There was no recollection of it in the morning either. Maybe it was fatigue or memory loss or the fact that he wiggled and lost it in a matter of hours, but there was no tooth fairy that night.

But I remembered the minute I saw his face the next morning. That pit in your stomach when you realize you messed up? Yeah, I had it. He was on the verge of tears when he said, "The tooth fairy didn't come. She forgot about me."

Ouch. It was one of those moments when Satan dove in and reminded me of every shortcoming and mistake I've ever made. His lies and doubts showered over me and I felt unfit to be a mother because of my forgetfulness. 

But then my Good, Good Father reminded me of grace. He gives me new hope every morning. My sins are forgotten, but nothing else. Even though I am a messed up parent and mistake-filled person, my Father loves me. He sees my tears that fall and hears me when I call. And he never forgets me.

Perhaps today you are feeling forgotten. You see more of your mess-ups than your strengths. You feel like a hopeless failure. Let me remind you that you're not. God sees you and loves you. You are incredibly valuable to Him. This song helps to quench the lies of Satan. May you feel God's tremendous love and everlasting arms surround you.


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