Spider Webs

A few of you have been wondering why I haven't been blogging lately and I apologize for the sparse amount of posts the last several months. Truth of the matter is, life has gotten pretty busy. Quite honestly, it's also gotten dry.

Just like our parched and thirsty land, I've also been feeling spiritually dry. Even in the midst of daily devotions, God has felt very quiet. And just like I hear the rain pattering on the roof as I write this, I pray that my spiritually dry season is over too.

This is a a view I have on the walk I take nearly every day.

The beauty and peace found in the woods will always relax me. What you can't see in this picture is the dozens of spiderwebs that also cross the path! As if it has never happened before, every day I am surprised and caught off guard when I find my arms flailing trying to loosen myself from a spider web's sticky grip. I often don't see or realize the web until it's too late and the web is adhered to my face and captured flies are buzzing in my ear!

You would assume, since this is a daily occurrence, I would be on my guard and arm myself with a stick. But instead, I find myself trusting my view and the view doesn't often disclose the hidden webs!

Isn't that how recognizing sin in our lives typically is? We can often feel it before we can see it. We feel the entanglement closing in on us and suddenly are flailing and grasping for freedom. Satan buzzes lies into our ears; we let that fear and doubt take hold of our lives.

Let's ask ourselves: do we enter each day surprised or prepared for the spiderwebs? Am I nonchalantly walking through life, surprised when I find myself in a web of sin and temptation? Or am I prepared, fitted for battle with the armor of God, to attack those webs before they attack me? Am I living into the Hebrews 12 passage? "Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance, the race marked out for us."

It's very easy to become complacent with sin and I admit that daily confession doesn't often happen. Too often I assume I am "doing well" because the big sins like murder and stealing are not an issue for me. But sin is sin and God does not see one sin as any worse than another. The more subtle sins like envy, judgement, pride, swearing are more hidden to those around us, but not any less detestable to our Maker!

Just like the healing and wholeness that is experienced in a relationship when confession and forgiveness take place, so it is in our relationship with God. He longs for us to be real with Him and invite Him into every second of every day. He wants us to experience freedom from the sin that entangles and trips us.

So, whatever spider webs are entangling you today, I pray that God's power can break you free from them and you can walk in the healing and restoration of forgiveness that He longs to offer you!


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