
  1. 1.
    the continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it.

    "the slight extra pressure he applied to her hand"
  2. 2.
    the use of persuasion, influence, or intimidation to make someone do something.

    "the proposals put pressure on Britain to drop its demand"


  1. 1.
    attempt to persuade or coerce (someone) into doing something.

Can you identify with any of the definitions of pressure?! To be honest with you I have felt my life has been full of pressure recently!

For several weeks, I have been dealing with inner ear issues. I had some very scary bouts of dizziness and, while those symptoms have thankfully subsided, I have been still been battling ear and sinus pressure that is quite painful. I find myself just longing for that pressure in my head to just...release.

Do you find yourself longing for a sense of relief from the pressure in your own life? 

Pressure to...
please others

or perhaps pressure to pursue 
a dating relationship
a new career

Quite honestly, I believe no matter the stage of life we find ourselves in, we are likely feeling pressure of some kind. In my high school years, I remember the pressure I felt from my teachers and classmates to go to college. I remember the ache I had of wanting to date. When dating eventually came, then there was the expectation from others of when marriage would happen. Then cue in the pressures of parenting! Pressure of when to have children, how close to have them, how to discipline, what schooling...the pressure just keeps building!!

My youngest child will be entering half-day kindergarten next fall, which is still six months away. I know that it will go fast, but what appalls me is the comments I receive on a weekly basis asking me what is next! What will I do with my time? What career will I now pursue? The pressure to follow the cultural norm to re-enter the career world is pushing me into a panic! But how do I resist this pressure? Is giving in really the right way?

I have been studying the book of Judges and God has spoken to me in a deep way through the life of Samson. Although God used him in mighty ways, his story if filled with lots of conflict and failure. Every high is matched with a painful low because Samson often had selfish motives. He made rash decisions and those quick choices he made without seeking God brought a lot of unnecessary conflict into his life. His unpredictability was detrimental to his spiritual effectiveness. 

Even Samson grew weary of Delilah's pressure to tell her the secret of his divine strength. When he didn't hold fast to the Nazarite laws and setting himself apart from the world, her nagging eventually got the best of him. 

My mom recently sent these pine cones home with my son. When they are dry, they are open and exposed. They blow with the wind and scatter their seed.

But when they detect moisture, they close up. They are saturated, firm and secure. The scales protect that inner seed.

That causes me to ask if I am saturated? Samson was a Nazarite who was set apart and chosen by God to do great things. But he was not saturated with God and his decisions led to much heartache. He blew with the wind and his spiritual fruit was scattered. When we seek to do what we want and rely on our own strength, those me-focused intentions can place us on a path moving away from God's best plan. Good intentions without right actions will rarely lead to God-honoring results. 

But if I am saturating myself with God's presence and Word, my decisions will be God-led and not self-led. Our thinking will line up with God's and then our choices will honor Him and bless others. We will be firm and secure, protected by God in every step we take. God will then cultivate our spiritual fruit and harvest them in His timing.

A few years ago my husband and I rushed into buying a vehicle. We bought it for selfish reasons and bought it on a whim without much prayer. I remember driving it home and having a gnawing feeling in my gut that God was not pleased with our decision. The next few weeks were met with lots of car trouble, having it overheat as we were on vacation, and unnecessary headaches. Thankfully, the dealer agreed to buy back the vehicle, but we learned a very valuable lesson. Never let God out of our decisions; pray and seek His face and His way is always better and smoother!

So, are you weary of the unnecessary pressures being placed on you? Is the world nagging you to pursue new avenues out of selfishness? Do you find yourself osculating between control and surrender? Are you wrestling with when to plan and dream and when to wait and trust?

I encourage you to be rightly used by God rather than using your rights to get your way. Do not rush into something just because the pressures around you tell you to. Because rushing into the wrong thing too soon just may be robbing you of a bigger blessing later!

Digital Designs Scrapbooking: Chalkboard quote:  :

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