Jude and "Sarah"

Let me introduce you to this kitten, who has quite the miracle story! Approximately 2 weeks ago, someone accidentally hit her with their vehicle. Unbeknownst to the driver, the kitten has lived in the wheel well of her van all this time! Some friends of ours heard meowing coming from the vehicle as they left from VBS this week and their son was able to coax the kitten out. The trauma she faced in the last 2 weeks has cost her an eye and the tendency to go to vehicles, since she called one home for so long. 

Our friends left for vacation this week and asked if our kids would have interest in caring for their newly rescued pet. My little Jude has been loving on and caring for this kitten in every spare moment of his days. 

We weren't sure if the true owner named her, but Jude decided he wants to call her "Sarah" for the week. I was curious the meaning of the name he chose and was shocked to realize Sarah means "Princess". At first glance, an injured, traumatized, half-blind kitten doesn't exactly look like a princess, but that is how my son views her. He barely even notices her imperfections and loves her for who she is. My son truly understands trauma, and that is why he is so amazing at loving others in their pain. Click here to here his story of healing in the midst of trauma. 

The topic in the VBS adult class this week was "Seeing People as People". Various testimonies challenged me to put on my "Jesus glasses" and view people as God sees and loves them. Too often, I am guilty of seeing the worst in people: their pasts, their differences, their struggles, or their sin. Many times I overlook the fact that Jesus pursued relationships and friendships with people who were broken and unloved.

So, what broken and needy "kittens" are in your life right now? Who is Jesus asking you to love and build a relationship with? Is it a neighbor that you find excuses to ignore? Is it a co-worker that consistently annoys you? Is it your children that you too often push away? 

We are surrounded by people with brokenness, addictions, and very real needs. Will you be obedient to Christ's call to show His love to them?


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