True friend

I have been thinking a lot about friendship lately. The beautiness of it and the ugliness of it. Friendships take effort, they can be raw, and they can be a huge blessing. I have been studying the book of Job, using Proverbs 31 Ministries' First 5 app and I have been challenged anew. After Job goes from having everything to having nothing, the following chapters are filled with his deep anguish and laments. But then I never realized how many chapters are then filled with speeches from Job's friends. They each take turns reprimanding him and accusing him of committing sin. Job's situation is desperate and, yet, his friends don't offer him much comfort. I'm not sure what their intentions were or what motivated them to make claims against him. But, as their speeches progress, they become less sympathetic and more self-righteous. Instead of praying with Job, they argued. Instead of offering him compassion, they judged. Instead of grieving with him, they attacke...