True friend

I have been thinking a lot about friendship lately. The beautiness of it and the ugliness of it. Friendships take effort, they can be raw, and they can be a huge blessing. I have been studying the book of Job, using Proverbs 31 Ministries' First 5 app and I have been challenged anew. After Job goes from having everything to having nothing, the following chapters are filled with his deep anguish and laments. But then I never realized how many chapters are then filled with speeches from Job's friends. They each take turns reprimanding him and accusing him of committing sin. Job's situation is desperate and, yet, his friends don't offer him much comfort. I'm not sure what their intentions were or what motivated them to make claims against him. But, as their speeches progress, they become less sympathetic and more self-righteous.

Instead of praying with Job, they argued.
Instead of offering him compassion, they judged.
Instead of grieving with him, they attacked his character.
Instead of being his companion, they alienated him.

Today I was reflecting on my own daughter's journey with friendships. Two years ago, Brooke had a very difficult school year. Two of her closest friends switched schools and she was left feeling quite alienated. A friend she did have was terribly controlling and manipulative, causing unnecessary drama. As a parent, I worried. I knew good friendships are key to wise choices. Both my husband and I were blessed with strong, Christian friends from church and school and we know that it prevented us from a lot of negative behavior. Sending our kids to public school makes this a very real reality that I pray profusely about.

I still remember when this was weighing heavily on my heart, I ran into a mother from church who had sent her girls to our kids' school. She encouraged me and reminded me that often elementary friendships are not as crucial as the ones made in middle school and high school. Her words were a blessing and hope that I clung to. And I continued praying for direction and divine appointments.

And God has answered in His divine timing. He has brought several wonderful Christian girls into her classes at school and deeper connections with her friends at church. This fall she started attending Kindle, our church's children's ministry for 4th through 6th graders, that I have the privilege of being one of the leaders. At our kick-off night, she made a small blunder during one of the group games and, knowing how groups can make her shy, I asked her later if that embarrassed her. Her response was heartwarming: "I didn't care because I know they're all my friends."

Friends let you be yourself.
Friends love no matter what.
Friends encourage and uplift.
Friends support and believe in you, always.
Friends are trustworthy and kind.

Tonight was friendship night and it was so powerful watching them encourage each other with their words:

In a world where it's too easy to compare, judge, and hate others for their differences, let's make an effort to spread love, encouragement, and hope to those in our lives. We never know when  a kind word will impact someone's heart.

kindness. please.


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