
There has been a phenomenon going on in our household recently! This superhero costume has magically turned my son into a willing and happy volunteer! He's been asking for chores to do and excitedly "rescuing" his clean wash and taking it to their homely drawers! This mama is wondering why I didn't have this idea sooner! Sometimes as a parent you can wonder if you're doing anything right and then, suddenly, God can give you glimpses of hope that affirm that your children will someday, somehow be wonderful, Godly adults that contribute greatly to society! The past few weeks, my mind has felt deep in processing mode. I've been learning a lot from a Leadership course my husband and I are taking at church. We have had an amazing Renewal Meeting speaker. Our church is on a 40 Day Prayer Challenge . And I've been reading this old and life-changing book: I was trying to journal and turn my brain mush into tangible points that I've learne...