
There has been a phenomenon going on in our household recently!

This superhero costume has magically turned my son into a willing and happy volunteer! He's been asking for chores to do and excitedly "rescuing" his clean wash and taking it to their homely drawers! This mama is wondering why I didn't have this idea sooner!

Sometimes as a parent you can wonder if you're doing anything right and then, suddenly, God can give you glimpses of hope that affirm that your children will someday, somehow be wonderful, Godly adults that contribute greatly to society!

The past few weeks, my mind has felt deep in processing mode. I've been learning a lot from a Leadership course my husband and I are taking at church. We have had an amazing Renewal Meeting speaker. Our church is on a 40 Day Prayer Challenge. And I've been reading this old and life-changing book:

I was trying to journal and turn my brain mush into tangible points that I've learned and want to apply to my life. Then, it all kind of fell into place when I saw the example of my son willingly doing chores for me this morning...

Human nature has this deep desire and urge to be important. To be a hero and a rescuer and to change lives for the better. Heroes are leaders that have courage and noble qualities that enable them to make outstanding achievements. In the Leadership course, I've been reminded that the greatest leaders are those who are truth-tellers, servants, risk-takers, and value and understand other people. An article from an interview with Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, emphasized the importance of empathy: Don't judge others quickly. When you listen better, you can amplify people's strengths versus focusing on their weaknesses. 

As a parent and as a leader, it is often easier to criticize and condemn when we are displeased. Learning to understand others' viewpoints will challenge us to find praise instead of fault. I encourage you to watch and listen this powerful story entitled "Father Forgets" by W. Livingston Larned.

Are you in the habit of finding fault and reprimanding? 
Can you make an effort to understand instead of condemn?
Do you desire sympathy, tolerance, and kindness to replace unnecessary annoyances? 

I challenge you to think about how you get your feeling of importance...because that often is in direct correlation with your true character. How sad that we nourish the bodies of our children, friends, and employees, but how seldom do we nourish their self esteem? 

How different of a world this could be if we build others up and show them true and honest appreciation. Look for ways to encourage and speak life into the lives you come in contact with today. You may never know the lasting impact that care, kindness, and understanding can have on another soul!

"Spirit of the Living God, be the Gardener of my soul. For so long I have been waiting, silent and still--experiencing a winter of the soul. But now, in the strong name of Jesus Christ, I dare to ask: clear away the dead growth of the past, break up the hard clods of custom and routine, stir in the rich compost of vision and challenge, bury deep in my soul, the implanted Word, cultivate and water and tend my heart, until new life buds and opens and flowers" ~~Richard Foster 


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