A summer tradition we started a few years ago with our kids was tye-dying t-shirts. It's a fun family project and it's always exciting to see how the shirts turn out. This time we had a few mishaps with the dye and, even after showers, the kids ended up with stained feet and I have a stained hand!
My mind immediately went to how we are each stained with sin. The Bible states in Isaiah 1:18 that our sins are like scarlet. Deep-red-crimson that no amount of scrubbing can remove. For some, it may be a more noticeable struggle, others it's a private and hidden sin. But, regardless of where or how much we are stained, the fact of the matter is we have "all sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Rom 3:23) But by God's amazing grace, our stains can be washed white-as-snow through the blood of Jesus.
I was finally able to view the movie "I Can Only Imagine" this week and was deeply moved by the story behind one of my favorite songs. I was reminded that nobody, no matter their ugly past, is beyond the reach of Jesus. God is in the restoring business and the healing power that forgiveness can bring is life-altering!
Are you burdened and discouraged by the endless "stains" in your life? Does Satan haunt you with hurts from your past? Perhaps you are drowning in a sea of unforgiveness and pride is preventing you from reaching out to bridge that great divide. I encourage you to leave it at the cross. Allow Christ's blood to wash away those stains and heal your broken heart. Life is just too short to let the shadows of our past darken the bright horizon that Christ desires us to experience. Remember this truth that you are God's child and He calls you by name.

You likely have heard this song hundreds of times already, but I urge you to open your mind and heart and reflect anew how much God loves you. Imagine what Heaven will be like with no more tears, no more death, no more brokenness, and no more sin-stains. Freedom, healing, can be ours. Bask in the reality of His love and imagine what it will be like to be surrounded by His glory.
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