Oh Deer!

In the past few weeks, I have had several encounters with deer...and no, I did not go hunting this year! The first encounter, I was driving on the highway with my daughter. Out of the blue she yelled that a deer was crossing the northbound highway. I didn't see it, but hit my brakes anyway. Suddenly, I spotted a buck-gone-wild jumping towards my window. By the grace of God, the deer crossed in back of my vehicle.

Then a few days ago, I spotted this lady munching in my yard. I watched her for awhile and she watched me, somehow aware that hunting season is over! Different from my last encounter, this one was filled with peaceful serenity.

Then, last evening I had yet another encounter, unfortunately similar to the first. I was driving through the winding, wooded area of Nolde Forest with my son and his friend following archery practice. The roads were empty, so it was easy to cruise above the speed limit. Suddenly, as I rounded a corner, I saw a flickering shadow in the woods. Immediately, I had a thought that I need to slow down because there could easily be deer in this area. Not even two seconds later and there was a deer in my path. I screamed, braked, and prayed! And suddenly, she was gone, as quickly as she appeared. The remainder of the trip I processed everything I could remember. 

That flickering shadow...had I seen the deer or was that God's way of catching my attention and slowing me down?

Or was that flickering shadow an angel that God used to protect us?

By coincidence, or likely God's provision, we just had new brakes put on our vehicle on Monday. Could I have even stopped in time if I still had the old brakes? 

So many thoughts and questions shuddered through my mind, as I reminded my two precious passengers that God had protected us.

In my devotional time this morning, I found myself asking God what I need to be taught from these various encounters with the deer. 

Very clearly and directly, I heard the words, "Slow down."

In all cases with the deer, I had to slow down. Slow down to avoid hitting them, slow down out of caution, slow down to observe the beauty...

Jesus reminded me gently and lovingly: 

"Slow down in this holiday season. 

Don't keep buying stuff and forget Me, the true gift of Christmas.

Don't fill your time with meaningless traditions and forget Me, the reason for Christmas.

To feel fulfilled, you need My Peace, My Love, My Protection, and My Grace...it's not something you can buy with money!"  

And as if things couldn't get any more Spirit-led, this song came on my radio! 
Yes, Lord, I DO need You!
You ARE my one defense!
Bowing here, I find my rest.
Where You ARE, Lord I am FREE!
Without You, I fall apart
You're the One that guides my heart.
Lord, I need YOU EVERY hour!

Wherever you are at today, I encourage and remind you to slow down. Let Christ in. Celebrate His beauty. And let His peace fill your soul!

35 Inspirational Thanksgiving Quotes with Beautiful Images 12


  1. Great words and reminders Melissa. Thank you for sharing all that Christ is teaching you in this season!


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