Sea of Impossibility

We are currently two weeks into the new year of 2020! New years can bring differing emotions: excitement, expectation, and passion to fulfill new goals and experiences. But it can also bring feelings of fear, worry, and overwhelmedness at the unknowns that lie ahead.

There has been a situation in my own life that has felt burdensome over the past week. I've covered it in much prayer, trusting in God's faithfulness. But God kind of felt silent; I knew He was hearing my prayers but I wasn't seeing any amazing breakthroughs. Doubts and lies began to creep in about His goodness and I felt tempted to "fix" the problem by my own power.

Then on Monday night, I experienced God in a way I haven't in years. He clearly spoke to me through a dream and vision in my sleep! In my vision, I found myself with the Israelites escaping the bondage of Egypt. We came to the Red Sea and only saw the sea of impossibility. We were being pursued from behind and felt trapped because there was no visible way forward. But Moses, was directly in front of me. He was not fearful or doubtful. In obedience and faith, he simply lifted his arms high above the sea and a wind began to push back the water.

At this point, I awoke from the dream and heard the Holy Spirit whisper, "God will make a way." Peace flooded my soul as I replayed this vision through my mind. Even in the dream, I felt those real feelings of impossibility, fear, and entrapment. I felt the temptation to figure out how to "fix" the problem on my we we surrender to the Egyptian army pursuing us? But the clear and real vision of Moses holding out his arms in faith and expectation carries me with the hope that God is a God of miracles and provision and all we need to do is trust and surrender.

But, God wasn't finished amazing me quite yet! This morning I was scrolling through my Facebook feed when my breath caught on a post a friend shared on Monday, but I was only seeing it today:

God captured my attention all over again with this picture very similar to my vision! Even the caption at the top is similar to the Holy Spirit's whisper to me! In my dream, I only saw Moses with his faith and obedience in the face of impossibilities. That vision increased my hope, faith, and belief that God is at work even if I cannot see it. This picture is a promise that when we step out in obedience and faith, He will lead us through on dry ground. Even though walls of doubt and fear may surround us, He will be faithful to provide.

My words for each of you are that God wants to deliver you from whatever is entrapping you today! Do not let fear, doubt or pride hold you back! Stretch out your arms in faith like Moses and declare, "God will MAKE a way." Keep trusting in His timing. Keep believing in His deliverance. Keep following Him even when it doesn't seem to make sense! 

God is madly in love with you. He cares deeply about your life, to the point He will move "seas" to prove it! Step with me into the sea of doubt and impossibility and let's be witnesses to the miracles He wants to move in our lives!


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