The Lord is My Shepherd: Part 1

 I have been reading Max Lucado's book "Traveling Light" which focuses on Psalm 23 and expounds deep into each phrase. It has been a blessing to hone in on a familiar passage and let its promises sink deep into my soul and my mind. 

My husband raised sheep in high school for his FFA project. Even to this day he often comments how dumb sheep are and how they would make him so angry at times!! Sheep cannot be trained, sheep are defenseless, sheep are filthy. So, why does David, an ex-shepherd, wisely compare us to these animals in this psalm he authored? I believe it was because he recognized how they relied on their shepherd to meet all their needs and keep them safe. We like to think we know what we're doing in this journey of life, but if we're honest with ourselves, we probably look pretty similar to a long-lost sheep! 

"I shall not be in want," the psalm continues. How often do we find ourselves in the prison of want? Wanting something bigger, fancier, faster, thinner, pricier, more, more, more... We think we will be happy with the "one" more, but that exciting new thing quickly fades and we find ourselves seeking and wanting yet again. How fulfilling it can be to lean into our Shepherd and remember that He is what we crave and His presence is what brings true and lasting fulfillment. The humbling reality is that we take nothing with us when we die, so we must remember that all that "fluff n stuff" is not ours and does not define us.

Our Shepherd promises to lead us to green pastures because we cannot seem to find this field of rest on our own. Life can get so loud and busy that we forget how to rest, but it was so crucial to God that He included it in the Ten Commandments. More importantly, He modeled it when He created the universe and rested on the 7th day. This pasture of rest is His gift to us, so lie down and nestle in His deep love!

Our Shepherd leads us beside still waters and restores our souls. Life often feels like we are navigating a dark, dense, jungle and we can let worry and fear creep in. But remember, when the lost lamb found himself on a craggy ledge, his Shepherd found him. Our loneliness vanishes when we have a relationship with our Shepherd. Our fear diminishes because He brings peace. Our confusion disappears because He brings light and vision to our lives.

Our Shepherd leads us on paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Just like sheep lack righteousness, so do we! Our sin has created a chasm that can only be bridged by accepting the gift of salvation through Jesus. Righteousness is who God is. Without Him we would be left on the streets carrying our spiritual baggage: loaded down with luggage full of guilt, bags bulging with binges, regrets dragging us to a slow slumber. The path of righteousness is a narrow climb to a cross, where at it's base we are invited to lay our countless bags of sin and walk free.

The message of this beautiful psalm is that our Shepherd gives us rest, blessings, salvation, and a home in Heaven and it's His gift to us. We did not earn it. And as Max so wisely states, (pg 77) "The maker of the stars would rather die for you than live without you."

My grandma recently shared this excerpt of Psalm 23 that really blessed me. As you reflect on the truths from this psalm, I encourage you to listen to this song by Hillsong and let the fresh wind of His Spirit reignite the flame within you!

Psalm 23: 1-3

The Lord is my shepherd (that's relationship!)

I shall not want. (that's supply!)

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. (that's rest!)

He leadeth me beside the still waters. (that's refreshment!)

He restoreth my soul (that's healing!)

He leadeth me in paths of righteousness (that's guidance!)

For His name's sake (that's purpose!)

To be continued...


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