The Lord is My Shepherd Part 3

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies." I cannot help but think of the Last Supper when I read this verse. Jesus reserved an upper room to have an intimate meal with His best friends, His disciples. Even in this last meal together, knowing the coming crucifixion, Jesus invited the traitor-to-be. Jesus knew Judas' heart and the hold the devil had on him. Jesus knew Judas would betray him; He even knew Peter's future denial of knowing Him. Yet, in His love for them, He prepared this table for them and washed their feet. And that is what He does for us. He invites us to His table, even with all of our mess-ups and our seemingly constant shortfalls! The table is for His beloved children and all we have to do is show up and accept His invitation! "You anoint my head with oil". In his book, "Traveling Light", Max Lucado describes the importance of a shepherd anointing his sheep. I never knew that bugs can kill sheep, but apparentl...