The Lord is My Shepherd Part 3

 "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies." I cannot help but think of the Last Supper when I read this verse. Jesus reserved an upper room to have an intimate meal with His best friends, His disciples. Even in this last meal together, knowing the coming crucifixion, Jesus invited the traitor-to-be. Jesus knew Judas' heart and the hold the devil had on him. Jesus knew Judas would betray him; He even knew Peter's future denial of knowing Him. Yet, in His love for them, He prepared this table for them and washed their feet. And that is what He does for us. He invites us to His table, even with all of our mess-ups and our seemingly constant shortfalls! The table is for His beloved children and all we have to do is show up and accept His invitation!

"You anoint my head with oil". In his book, "Traveling Light", Max Lucado describes the importance of a shepherd anointing his sheep. I never knew that bugs can kill sheep, but apparently, nose flies can be deposited in the soft membrane of a sheep's nose and eventually become wormlike larvae. This is a huge annoyance to the sheep and they try to find relief by beating their heads against trees or rocks. Even at the sight of these nose flies, sheep will panic and run to hide. They are unable to sleep or eat and it disrupts an entire flock. This is the reason anointing is so important. The shepherd can cover their heads with an oil-like repellent and the fragrance will keep the insects away and the flock protected. Jesus longs to tend to each of our needs; our broken hearts, our confusion, our panic, our wounds. Will you allow his healing oil to wash over you? Will you allow His holy fragrance to keep the evil one from infiltrating your life and causing pain and destruction?

"My cup overflows!" The image of this statement is a cup full and overflowing; it cannot contain an ounce more! Our hearts are not large enough for the blessings He wants to bestow in our lives. God is in the business of giving us more than we can ever ask or imagine when we surrender our lives to Him. Do we live with this mindset? Do we wonder if His mercy and grace will run dry? Do we assume our mistakes are too great for Him to forgive? In the days of David, hosts enjoying the company of their guests would be sure to keep their cups full. The guest knew that they were welcome as long as the host kept pouring wine. When the cup emptied, it was the social cue that the hour was late and the party was over. Have you noticed how full your cup is? God wants you to stay in His presence! He wants to pour joy, grace, hope, and provisions into every nook and cranny of your life!

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life." Notice this phrase starts with surely, not maybe, or's a promise. Our moods and minds change like shifting sand, but God's promises are a sure foundation. Look for the fingerprints of His goodness and mercy upon your life: long days with needy toddlers...He will give you strength! Difficult days at work...He is by your side. Lonely days and nights...He holds you in His arms. He follows you through each day, pursuing you; have you sensed and welcomed His presence?

"I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!" If Heaven is our forever home, then our earthly home is just temporary. The twists and turns of life and facing difficult circumstances have a way of reminding us that we are not home yet. We long for the day when there's no more conflict, pain, disease, or death. The culture of the world is confusing and the noise of various voices steal our sleep. But there is hope for those who believe in Christ's resurrection! 

There is a seat in Heaven at that beautiful dining table for you.

There are streets of gold God invites you to walk upon.

There is beauty, there is singing, there is dancing...will you say yes to Him?

I'll wrap up this study of Psalms 23 with the rest of the poem that was shared in previous posts:

Psalm 23:5-6

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies (that's hope)

You anoint my head with oil (that's consecration)

My cup runs over (that's abundance)

Sure goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life (that's blessing)

and I will dwell in the house of the Lord (that's security)

forever. (that's eternity!)


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