
If any of you happen to live in Pennsylvania woods like me, you may have noticed an influx of acorns. It's almost dangerous to walk in our backyard because I find myself with insecure footing! They are everywhere and I can even hear them dropping throughout the day.

With this abundance of acorns, there are plenty of squirrels to watch as well. They are very busy gathering and harvesting the crop for later in the winter. They scurry around, making use of every minute of every day. It's been said that when there is an abundant acorn crop and lots of squirrel activity, we are in for a cold, hard winter. Time will tell if that is true for this winter, but it certainly makes a lot of sense! 

As I observed these squirrels harvesting their acorns this week, I felt my thoughts drifting to the spiritual similarities. The past two years of current realities have caused many of us to ask some deep, hard questions. As evil, deception, and confusion seem to prevail, it's easy to feel hopeless if our focus dwells there. But, I also sense a longing--like never before-- for Heaven, where there will be no more hurt, pain, lies, or evil! It's where all things will be made new and where there will be true hope, joy, peace, and freedom. 

We need to ask ourselves...are we prepared? Are we using every last second of each day to harvest the plenty? Are we sowing eternal seeds? Just like the squirrels are storing up for a hard winter, are we storing up for eternity? Or are our minds earthly focused, building up treasures on earth "where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal?" Matthew 6:19-20

There are many who are still lost and seeking. Who in our sphere of influence still needs to experience Jesus' love and forgiveness? Our time is growing short; let's be obedient to what the Spirit is saying! Are you prepared to meet Jesus when He returns? If you have not trusted in Him as your Savior, He is longing to have a personal relationship with you!

It really is as simple as ABC:
A-Admit you're a sinner. Romans 3:23 says, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Not one of us is perfect and we never can be without recognizing the depth of our fallen human nature.

B-Believe Jesus is Lord. John 14:6 says, "Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me."" Jesus was without sin and yet He willingly died in our place. He took on every sin of humanity, carried it to the cross, and died with it. On the third day, He rose again, conquering death, sin, and evil so we can experience forgiveness and a relationship with Him.

C-Call upon His Name. Romans 10:13 says, "Whoever calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved." When we recognize our need for Him and invite Him into our lives, we will never be the same again! He transforms our hearts and our minds to be more like Him.

Please, say yes to Him! If your world is full of turmoil, He will bring you peace. If you are full of fear, He will calm your storm. If you feel alone, He is your friend. All you need to do is invite Him into your life.

As you enjoy these beautiful, crisp fall days, absorb God's never-ending pursuit of you. Keep planting seeds of hope with those you come in contact with. Show God's love through smiles and kind words. Pray and prepare for an exciting eternal future with the Creator of this beauty! 


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