
Detox: The official dictionary definition says, "A process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances."

Some of you may have read my blog post a few months ago regarding my health scare. After a few weeks of eating dairy-free, I saw some improvement, but I had a nagging feeling something still wasn't quite right. Plus, who wants to eliminate dairy if they don't have to?! I decided to switch gears and see a highly recommended nutritionist. After months of seeing several doctors with no answers, this doctor was able to find the issue in less than an hour! Surprisingly, I was suffering from an internal fungal infection that was clogging my lymphatic system.

After two months of implementing a supplement regimen, and eating more leafy greens and sprouted grains, I am happy to share that I feel even better than "normal"! Another blessing is that I do not have any dairy or food intolerances, so that is a huge relief! I am so grateful that God led me to find healing through a wonderful, Christian doctor whose mantra is: "God created our bodies to heal, we just need to feed it the right thing."

The most surprising thing about this journey was learning that, without knowing, I was actually contributing to my problem. For years, I have dealt with sinus pain during weather changes, so this sinus spray was my typical go-to solution. 

But, while listening to my body, tracking my flare-ups, and having the doctor test my body's response to it, I actually learned that this was contributing to the fungus growth and clogging my lymph system! If anything, this experience has made me more aware of the toxins in our foods, medicines, make-up, and cleaning supplies and how our bodies can react to them in a variety of ways.

Isn't this also true in the spiritual realm? What kind of cancers or diseases are growing within us due to the shows or music we absorb? Are we feeding our souls with the truth of God's Word and gaining strength from the Living Water? Or are we mindlessly allowing toxins to infiltrate our hearts and minds? It took a lot of time and effort to detox and rid my body of the fungal infection.  Are we taking the necessary time each day to allow God to cleanse our hearts and minds of worldly toxins? Am I feeding my soul life-giving substances that further the healing process?

We find ourselves with two more weeks of Lent until we celebrate Easter. Perhaps it's time to ask God for a spiritual detox. What can we abstain from that allows us to grow closer to God? From what can we detox that will encourage spiritual growth and wholeness? 2 Corinthians 7:1 says, "Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God." 

Jesus, You know how quickly and easily our minds become contaminated with lies and doubts from the enemy. You also know how toxic and evil the world is around us. Come, wash us clean. Make us pure so we can enter into your Holy Presence. Forgive us for becoming complacent and allowing toxins to rob our souls of life-giving health. Remind us to feast on Your truths every day, so we can remain strong and mighty ambassadors for Your kingdom!


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