Messy People

Our world is divisive about many matters, but one thing the human race can probably agree on is that life can be messy and complicated when people are involved! At the beginning of 2023, I committed to reading through the Bible chronologically and God has been opening my eyes to so many new understandings. Within the first few pages of Scripture, and woven throughout the entirety of the nine books I've read so far, we see that evil was consistently present in this world from the day humanity was created. Within my first week of reading, Adam and Eve sinned and were banned from Eden, Cain murdered Abel, the world was destroyed in the flood and evil was consuming Sodom and! Evil, corruption, immorality, disobedience, and lies continue to be a reality for the human race from the start of creation until even now. But also consistent throughout the Bible is the steady, pursuit of our loving Father. Even in our rebellion, with heartfelt repentance, God continues to forgiv...