Messy People

Our world is divisive about many matters, but one thing the human race can probably agree on is that life can be messy and complicated when people are involved! At the beginning of 2023, I committed to reading through the Bible chronologically and God has been opening my eyes to so many new understandings. Within the first few pages of Scripture, and woven throughout the entirety of the nine books I've read so far, we see that evil was consistently present in this world from the day humanity was created. Within my first week of reading, Adam and Eve sinned and were banned from Eden, Cain murdered Abel, the world was destroyed in the flood and evil was consuming Sodom and! Evil, corruption, immorality, disobedience, and lies continue to be a reality for the human race from the start of creation until even now. 

But also consistent throughout the Bible is the steady, pursuit of our loving Father. Even in our rebellion, with heartfelt repentance, God continues to forgive and wash us clean. Even reading through Exodus and the Levitical law, God opened my eyes to a richer understanding of mercy and grace. These are two familiar terms that are often paired together as God's gifts to us. The Bible Recap gave this definition: mercy is not getting what we deserve and grace is getting what we don't deserve. This is such a profound way of understanding God's mercy; we are not being eternally condemned for our sins and we receive the grace of eternal life through the blood of Jesus. 

It's often a little too easy to look around and feel the messiness of humanity. We feel it in our families with common sibling rivalry and tension between spouses. We feel it in our schools when misunderstandings and assumptions can take root and divisive natures come forth. We feel it in our churches when hurting people hurt people with words and actions. We feel it in our communities when distrust, hatred, and violence prevail over love and peace. We feel it in our nation when political preferences and different belief systems clash. We feel it in our world when nation rises against nation and there are threats and rumors of war. At our roots, humans are selfish, short-sighted, and shallow!

But one promise we see unfold throughout Scripture is that even in failure, trust can grow again, faith can be strengthened and restored, and joy can grow and be found. How does that happen? Humility of heart, confession, extending forgiveness, and letting mercy and grace flow freely through us. 

I have also been reading Marie Monville's book, "One Light Still Shines" and her powerful testimony as the former wife of the Amish schoolhouse shooting. The model of love, sacrifice, and forgiveness that the Amish community bravely shared with her and the rest of the watching world is truly beautiful. 

In Chapter 10 entitled "Wall of Grace" Marie shares her experience at the graveside of her husband (pages 159-161). The week following the tragedy, Marie worked so hard to stay out of the spotlight and out of public view. As they pulled into the cemetery for Charlie's burial, she was devastated to see crowds of reporters and photographers. On one of the hardest days of her life, she wanted to grieve in peace. As their procession arrived at the cemetery, Marie caught a glimpse of movement to her left. At first, she was afraid it was a photographer hiding for a closer shot, but then a group of Amish men and women emerged and approached the grave site. 

Quoted from pages 160-161, "I watched unbelieving, tears streaming down my face, as that line of Amish formed a crescent wall in front of us, hiding the grave site from our view-and from the view of the reporters and photographers. Our car began to inch forward again, and as it did the wall of Amish parted in the middle, allowing my car and the car with my children and parents to pass through. The moment our cars were inside the crescent, those good people closed the gap behind us. They were shielding us! The Amish were shielding the family of Charlie Roberts. The cameras of the world could see only one thing-the backs of the Amish people. From inside the crescent, I could see only one thing-faces of grace. We were shielded by love, by sacrifice, by unmerited favor. God was protecting us with a wall of grace."

And that, my friends, is the model of grace and forgiveness. God has extended that gift to us so that we can share it with the world! Just imagine what could change if we could love people like Christ has asked us to! Who in your life can you extend forgiveness to today? How can you model grace to someone this week? What act of mercy could change someone's life this month? How might God use love to bring healing and unity to your relationships? 

The change starts with us. Let God soften your heart and transform you to be more like Him!


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