Proof of My Imperfections

We all strive for perfection. The pressures around us force us to, whether or not we really want to. You can't tell me you've never had a flint of jealousy over someone else's life, or envied the orderly home pictured in magazines or Pinterest. We're constantly comparing ourselves to the 'mom next door'; comparing clothes, houses, kids, and parenting styles.

I've been pondering these ideas of perfection for awhile. I've come to the conclusion that we cannot achieve this perfection that our minds seem to expect. And if we don't extend ourselves grace, it only adds to our frustration and sense of failure. I think if we're honest with ourselves, our desire for perfection stems from pride. We all want people to look at us and think we are 'World's Best Mom...World's Best Wife...World's Best Homemaker...World's Greatest Wonder Woman'

I'm reminded of the passage in 1 Samuel 16:7, "Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." As women, the best thing we can do for ourselves is surrender our perfection-seeking pride and our fear of others' opinions, to the Lord.

I may give a false representation that I run a strict and orderly household. Although that may be my goal, I'm sure you can guess my reality. Recently, we had an unexpected guest stop in. This person is of the male gender and someone we know well. I can usually hide my alarm at unexpected guests pretty well. But his arrival happened to be between the hours of 4-6 pm. If your household is anything like mine, that is the absolute worst time of day to show up unannounced. (I should clarify that my husband did know of his impending arrival...I did not!) The day's clutter is at it's climax, supper preparations are littering the kitchen, and the sink full of messy dishes.

Several years ago, this would have been a mortifying experience. But somewhere been kiddo #2 and #3, I gave in to the fact that an orderly home will most likely only happen when planned events take place in our home. As I heard this person making his way up our steps, I realized I had a choice. I could be ashamed and apologize or I could hope and pray he wouldn't notice the house in total uproar. I chose the latter.

And then I chose humor. Because his first comment after sweeping his eyes across the entire view, "Wow, so this is reality!?" Oh my. My dignity died! But, you know what? I felt free. Any expectations and pressures I had on myself also died in that moment. Who cares? If I don't, nobody else should either. I will rest in the fact that my house is messy because that is a sign of life. Life and living of those I hold dearest.

You may be wondering at this point how bad my house really was. So, I humbly choose to document this messiness and show you that you're not alone! (I sure hope I am not alone!) This is our house on a daily to weekly basis, folks!

Counter tops full of stuff and toys littering the floor!

Tablecloth still littered with lunch-crumbs!

Books, toys, and folded laundry that hasn't quite found it's drawer yet.

Folded laundry outside bedroom doors, abandoned flip-flops, and MORE toys! (And a son who is supposed to be cleaning it all up!)

My room with a half-made bed and folded laundry STILL not put away! Why is the laundry task always interrupted?!

Markers, papers, books, and play food just waiting for me to step on!

So, there you have it: proof of my imperfections and proof of my chaos. Does that mean I'm a failure? Does that mean you're a failure if your house looks similar to mine? 

Only if you let it be. You are only a failure if you tell yourself you are. Choose to rest in the promise that we are all imperfect souls and remember that we've been entrusted with a little piece of heaven--children. God didn't give us these children because we are perfect and would have a perfectly, clean house in which to raise them. He gave them to us because He knew His grace could fill the gaps we never can. 

So, let God's grace fill in the gaps in all areas of your life today! And learn to enjoy the messy stage of life, because from what I hear, it goes by in the blink of an eye!


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