Skinned Knees and Bruised Elbows

We were less than 50 steps into our family hike, when my youngest son's shoe caught the tip of a rock jutting up from the ground. This small rock was big enough to cause him to fall flat on his face; the dust of the earth coating his clothing. His already skinned knees were once again scraped open and he added more bruises to the already growing collection on his precious elbows.

Even though I was right there to pick him up, dust him off, kiss his boo-boos, and comfort him. He still felt the need to fill the quiet woods with cries and tears still streamed down his little cheeks. Ironically, during the course of the 45 minute hike, 3 of the 5 of us fell or had close calls. And each time, there was a family member nearby to assist their fallen comrade!

Isn't that kind of how life is? Sometimes we find ourselves face-planted into the dirt of life. Small, unwanted rocks trip and distract us from the life of peace we'd prefer to have. Sometimes we wonder why it's always us laying in the dirt with wounds. And yet, we see that special friend ready to lend a hand to help us, comfort us, and encourage us to try again.

Maybe today you find yourself identifying with the opposite spectrum. You stand there struggling to find the words that will bless and strengthen to your friend who has taken a fall. You patiently and lovingly clean their wounds and help them stand to their own two feet and continue on their journey.

Even though difficult times of life are hard to revisit, it's always amazing to me how God uses that circumstances for His glory if we let Him. I think back to a year ago when my struggle with anxiety was at it's peak. Life felt so scary and overwhelming.

And now a year later...I have been medication-free for several months. I have a deeper understanding of my body and it's stress-triggers. I have a deeper love and appreciation for my God who held me in His hands on this journey. And I feel with the many others who struggle with anxiety, hopefully being that friend that offers a hand of understanding, love, and hope when the pain and tears seem too much to bear alone.

Last week, we had VBS at our church and I was grateful to hear many personal testimonies of how God has taken some very difficult and hopeless situations and redeemed them. The theme was based on finding God's mysterious treasures in the midst of life's trials, turns, and hurts. God's refining process is slow and intentional, often the opposite of how we feel when we're in it!

Isn't this quote from Rick Warren great?!

Are you struggling to find God in the midst of your life? Are you finding it difficult to understand His ways? Take courage, my friend! He's holding you in the palm of His hand. He's refining, shaping, and molding you into the beautiful and purposeful being He desires you to be!

Use your struggles to be your ministry. Life is too complex and difficult to face it alone. I guarantee there are many others struggling with the exact same doubts, fears, and problems as you!

And on this "hike" in the journey of life, may we all be mindful and alert to those who are being tripped up by the stones and rocks of life. May we shine Jesus on their tear-filled faces and love to both their physical and emotional "boo-boos."


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