
Showing posts from July, 2014


What are your greatest fears? If you're a parent, what scares you the most in your role? I'm sure many of you could identify with mine: Fear of failure.  You know... the feeling of failure when you learn it's your child who is unruly in class. Or when your child struggles in school. Or worst of all, your child chooses to walk away from the Lord even after all the teaching and praying on their behalf. Fear of regret.  This is a big one for me. Hindsight is always 20/20 and I worry that years from now, I'll look back at my parenting and regret not playing more. Will I regret being too strict? Too lenient? Too structured? Too relaxed? It's a balancing act that we, as parents, wrestle with every day. God knows my struggles. He knows my imperfections. And He speaks to the fears that cloud my vision and clog my heart. Monday was windy. A continual gusty wind seemed the perfect ingredient to attempt some kite-flying with my kids. I am not an avid kite flyer. I s...

Hey There, Beautiful!

Dear Daughter, You ARE beautiful! Do you forget that I knitted you together in your mother's womb? In my eyes you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are perfectly beautiful. So why do I see you wrinkling your nose in disgust when you gaze at your reflection?  Is it the gray hairs? That is the crown of glory that I reserve for those who are wise. Is it the wrinkles and crows feet adorning your face? You are beautiful when you laugh; your nose crinkles up and your eyes dance. You should laugh more. Because it's beautiful. Is it the dark circles under your eyes? Is that why you plaster your face with make-up? To hide your unwanted blemishes? Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears ME shall be praised. (Proverbs 31:30) Is it your figure? Why are you so hard on yourself? Why do you compare? I created you and it hurts me when you don't appreciate the way I designed you. Is it your clothing? Do not clothe yourself o...

The Lesson of the Shoes

The exasperated sigh escaped from my lips as I addressed my daughter. "B, when will you learn that your shoes belong in your closet?!  Not scattered across the living room!! I can see 3 pairs just from where I am standing!" My rant came to an abrupt stop when I guiltily see 2 pairs of my own shoes also littering the same area. Witnessing this scene, my husband jokingly gave me a dose of my own medicine, "Melissa, when will you learn that your shoes belong in your closet? ! Where do you think she learns it from?" Ouch. We as moms experience daily reminders of our shortcomings. Anybody else relate? Do you ever catch yourself yelling at your kids to be quiet?   Or telling them not to be bossy.  <Insert long list here!!> We could probably all take a dose of our own medicine at times. Our kids learn both the best and the worst from us. It's so easy to see and address the shortcomings of others. But it's not so easy to admit and address our own persona...

Our Family is Expanding!

Yes, we have added another member to our family! If you were expecting me to say we are pregnant...sorry to disappoint you! Instead, we have expanded our family to include our first pet (chickens don't count!).  Meet Zoe! I'll never forget my first (and pretty much only) pet as a kid. I was 8 when we got a male chocolate lab and he lived until I was 18. Even though I was not a huge animal lover (I do not appreciate dog kisses!), I loved my Buddy! I have so many special memories with him: trips to the cabin, duck hunting, and backyard play dates. That's why it was so irresistible to buy my kids a dog...nobody ever forgets their first dog! The main thing I appreciate about dogs is their loyalty. They exist to please their master. Nothing brings them greater joy than to be with their master. They bring joy and fun (most of the time!) to their master. They stick by their master no matter what. I guess that is why they are considered "Man's Bes...

These Wide Eyed Wonder Years

I really am enjoying this "Mother Duck" phase of life...Mama up in front and the littles trailing behind. They aren't quite exploring their own options yet, but instead, are content following my lead for now. But, these wide-eyed wonder years certainly have no shortage of questions.  "How...what...why?" TO EVERYTHING. Quite honestly, there are some days I think my head might actually explode if I am asked yet one more question! There are many times I wonder how on earth they even come up with this question!? Between the 3 of my "little ducks" I am asked anything from how airbags work to why birds eat worms and EVERYTHING in between!  Sometimes when asked "why" or "how", I respond with a short answer that will hopefully shut them up. But, in most cases my answer leads to another question...and another...and another...! Or in other cases, I respond with an honest and impatient, "I. DON'T. KNOW." And,...