These Wide Eyed Wonder Years

I really am enjoying this "Mother Duck" phase of life...Mama up in front and the littles trailing behind. They aren't quite exploring their own options yet, but instead, are content following my lead for now.

But, these wide-eyed wonder years certainly have no shortage of questions. 

"How...what...why?" TO EVERYTHING.

Quite honestly, there are some days I think my head might actually explode if I am asked yet one more question! There are many times I wonder how on earth they even come up with this question!? Between the 3 of my "little ducks" I am asked anything from how airbags work to why birds eat worms and EVERYTHING in between! 

Sometimes when asked "why" or "how", I respond with a short answer that will hopefully shut them up. But, in most cases my answer leads to another question...and another...and another...! Or in other cases, I respond with an honest and impatient, "I. DON'T. KNOW." And, inside, my head is screaming, "I don't know and I don't, neither should you!!!" 

Today we had a long grocery trip. And by now I'm sure you can imagine why. Dear Anna in the meat department took some time out of her day to tell my kids WHY and HOW ground beef looks the way it does. Dear Cody at check out, spent his time explaining how to bag the groceries. To their delight he even had my kids helping, by letting them spin the bagger around when he was finished!

In both instances I was inspired. I was inspired by their patience. Their genuine interest in teaching my children was eye-opening. 

I do care. I do want my children to ask questions. After all, questions lead to learning and learning leads to success. Teaching and training are the job description of parenting! 

Isn't it my desire for my children to be successful and well-learned? Then why do I get so exasperated with their endless questions?! Because I'm human and I'm selfish and I'm just plain down lazy sometimes.

But, today and forever I want to commit to learning with my children. I want to embrace the many teachable moments. When I don't have an answer to their ponderings and earth-shattering musings, I want to find the answer with them. Because, I know before long, my little ducklings will grow up and no longer be following in my daily footsteps. Then it is up to them to use their knowledge and wisdom to eventually lead their little ducklings along this journey of life.

Proverbs 23:23-24 "Buy the truth and do not sell it; get wisdom, discipline and understanding. The father of a righteous man has great joy; he who has a wise son delights in him."

May the many questions from the "ducklings" in our lives remind us all to look at the world as a place to learn and explore! May we all have a new perspective of life by viewing it through the lens of a wide-eyed, wonder-filled child. 


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