Our Family is Expanding!

Yes, we have added another member to our family! If you were expecting me to say we are pregnant...sorry to disappoint you! Instead, we have expanded our family to include our first pet (chickens don't count!). 

Meet Zoe!

I'll never forget my first (and pretty much only) pet as a kid. I was 8 when we got a male chocolate lab and he lived until I was 18. Even though I was not a huge animal lover (I do not appreciate dog kisses!), I loved my Buddy! I have so many special memories with him: trips to the cabin, duck hunting, and backyard play dates. That's why it was so irresistible to buy my kids a dog...nobody ever forgets their first dog!

The main thing I appreciate about dogs is their loyalty. They exist to please their master. Nothing brings them greater joy than to be with their master. They bring joy and fun (most of the time!) to their master. They stick by their master no matter what. I guess that is why they are considered "Man's Best Friend!"

This got me thinking about my relationship with my Master. Do I long to please Him? Do I desire to be with Him? Do I bring Him joy? Is my Master by my side every step of my day? Is He my best friend? Am I loyal to my Master?

God desires a relationship with each of us, but He lets the seeking up to us. How hard do we press into Him each day? How often do we commune and talk with him? Relationships only flourish when we make time. 

How guilty I am of falling short. It's so easy to make the rest of life my priority, instead of my Master.

Do I forget to water and feed my children and pets each day? No. So why do I forget to feed and water my soul with the Bread of Life and Living Water?

John 4:14 says, "But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life."

I want this Living Water bubbling from my soul. I want this Bread of Life satisfying my hunger. I want the loyalty to my Master to beat in rhythm with my heart.

"Zoe" means life. May her spunk and energy remind me to live with a joy and zest for life that comes with obedient loyalty to My Master.


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