Look Up and Let Go

Have you ever had so many details floating through your head that you couldn't even think straight? Or a list so long, it was too overwhelming to look at? Or the muscles in your shoulders feel so tight from the weight of the world resting on them?

That is how my week started out. I felt like I was constantly running against the clock and I couldn't get ahead. I'd be working on one task and then suddenly think of something more important and rush off to complete that. It was like Homemaker ADD.

My rushing finally came to a breaking point. On my way home from giving piano lessons to a neighbor girl, I stopped to buy corn for dinner. Six ears into my husking, the threatening thunderstorm started to dump rain. I rushed to the front porch to finish. Due to the interruption, I finally finished at 5:45. We were supposed to leave in 6 to pick up our van from the garage so my husband could go to a meeting and I could run some errands.

One look at his frazzled wife and mess of a house, my husband knew our original plans weren't going to happen. He graciously made other arrangements for a ride to his meeting and we were still able to eat a quick dinner together. By the time everything was cleaned up, it was almost 7. I knew my errands were going to have to be quick, since it was a school night. One look outside, I gave up.

Torrential downpour. There was no way I wanted to take 3 kids out in it by myself for some measly errands that could easily wait another day.

Once my mind was made up and I gave myself the freedom to stay home, I felt my body begin to relax. In that moment I felt God whisper, "Be still" to my dry and parched soul.

In my hurried and rushed day, I had pushed Him out. No wonder my attitude sucked, my patience was worn through, my head pounded and I found myself barking commands at those I loved most.

Stress, we all deal with it. Some better than others. Some more often than others. But, bottom line, God doesn't want us to. Those are burdens He wants to bear for us. We aren't meant to carry them by ourselves. The focus of our lives isn't meant to be details and agendas.

When I finally laid down my agenda and my busy thoughts, this is what God gave to me in my evening devotions taken from "Quiet Reflections of Peace" that night:

"It's so easy to get wrapped up in the busyness of our lives. The laundry piles up. There are the dishes, endless household chores, work problems, and all the responsibilities of being a modern woman. We find ourselves trying to hold it all together in our minds. 

But we are called to let go, and be still, as this day comes to an end. When we set aside the to-do lists and seek quiet--then our hearts, eyes, and minds will be free. Silence and emptiness opens up "mind space" in order to give God some room.

All we need to do is look beyond ourselves toward the stars above. Then we will recognize how small our lives truly are. How puny are those concerns that seemed so big only moments ago! Look up, and you will be able to let go. We don't have to rule the world. That's God's job!

I love when God speaks openly and directly to me! The following morning, I decided to start my day out better by spending time with Him. Once again, He spoke directly to me from "Jesus Calling" for Sept 3:

Let the dew of my presence refresh your mind and heart. So many, many things vie for your attention in this complex world of instant communication. The world has changed enormously since I first gave the command to "be still and know that I am God." However, this timeless truth is essential for the well-being of your soul. As dew refreshes grass and flowers during the stillness of the night, so My Presence revitalizes you as you sit quietly with Me.

A refreshed, revitalized mind is able to sort out what is important and what is not. In its natural condition, your mind easily gets stuck on trivial matters. Like the spinning of wheels of a car trapped in mud, the cogs of your brain spin impotently when you focus on a trivial thing. As soon as you start communicating with Me about the matter, your thoughts gain traction and you can move on to more important things. 

The devotional went on to include the passage of Martha and Mary found in Luke 10:39-42; a passage I often find myself identifying with Martha in. When will I learn to give up my life of task-focused agenda making and surrender myself into the lifestyle where I sit at His feet?

I knelt a Jesus' feet that morning, humbled that He met me where I was. Knowing He understood my stress, but longing that I, instead,sit at His feet. I was reminded by this popular song by Michael W Smith and was moved to tears as it put all my emotions and feelings into words.

No matter what stress we are dealing with each day, may we be reminded to sit at our Father's feet. May our hearts beat for Him. May we follow the burning desire to know Him as our closest friend. May it be His blood that runs through our veins.


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