Lessons from a Murder Scene

There was a day last week that was rainy. My kids and I pretty much spent the day indoors. Apparently, this lack of attention led to boredom for our puppy. At one point, I did go out and found myself in the midst of a murder scene. Our puppy had found our chickens. Fortunately, only one of the eleven fell prey to the naughty prowler. But, there I was, staring at a de-feathered, ugly carcass of a chicken.

I disposed of the carcass quickly, but, I worried the fate of the remaining ten. Once a dog gets the taste of blood, there is always a thirst for more. Over the weekend, a chicken expert friend told us a cure. He said if we would tie the carcass to the dog's collar as it rots and decomposes, the dog will never again pursue such a hunt. GROSS!

I am not one to cuddle with my dog in the first place, but just the thought of my dog with a decomposing necklace...I shudder at the thought!

Well, wouldn't you know what I find yesterday! Or rather, what the dog found. Yes, the stinker re- found the carcass! So, once again I had a decomposing carcass and feathers littering my front yard. Originally, I thought about heeding the advice of our friend and just putting up with it. I hoped that the decaying smells coming from the yard would be enough to teach her not to do it again. But, she could care less. In fact, she thought it was a new toy. And the stench was just way too overwhelming to me. I couldn't even step out onto our porch without the smell of death overtaking my senses or fearing that one of my kids would accidentally step in the nastiness.

So, here I am. Battle #2 of Melissa vs. Chicken Carcass.

My husband would tell you I have an over-active nose. I smell everything...all...the...time. Hence, the need for a towel! The stench of that thing was totally and overwhelmingly disgusting. And, if you need a good laugh: Picture this towel-clad woman, with a shovel carrying a smelly carcass, making gagging motions all the way to the woods, happily flinging it...only for that wretched carcass to flail through the air and land IN A TREE! So, beware if you happen to stomp in the woods near the East Earl railroad bed...there is a slight possibility a chicken carcass may land on your head!

So, with this murder scene fresh on my mind, God had a very good reminder for me this week. You see, our chickens are completely safe. There is no possible way for our dog to actually get into their pen. This murder took place because the chicken chose to be outside of the boundary that her master intended for her. Her death could have been prevented if she would have respected and obeyed the boundary we chose for her.

Isn't that how our lives often work? God is our Master and He has boundaries selected for each of our lives. Too often, we have more faith in our own instincts, rather than trusting in God's. We think we're invincible. We let our guards down. We get too comfortable and push beyond the limits. 1 Peter 5:8 warns us to "Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a lion, seeking someone to devour."

What a perspective that gives me when I think about the devil prowling around, waiting for me to sneak past a God-ordained boundary. How he's waiting to gain a foothold in my life. In John 10:10 Jesus says, "The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that they may have an abundant life." The devil wants to see my marriage fail. He wants rob me of a joy-filled life. He wants to destroy my family. He wants to entice my children to live for themselves in bondage to him.

Too often I find myself oblivious to the spiritual battle. But, it's real, folks! Let's equip ourselves with God's spiritual armor: the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the spirit.

Only then, can we extinguish all the flaming arrows that the evil one will throw at us.


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