My Human Side

We are all human. We all make mistakes. We all have regrets. We all have those moments where we wish we could rewind time. Take back that comment. Handle that situation differently. Erase it all.

More than likely, it's due to the fact that lately, I've been failing in the daily devotional area. It's so dark when my usual 6:00 wake-up time rolls around and frankly, I've just been too careless and lazy to get up on time. I think this is how Satan has crept into my life and told me lies that I've come to believe.

Recently, I've really been beating my self up. When reflecting on my days, I find myself picking out all the things I did wrong and focusing on all my mess-ups. What used to be my strengths, they, instead, have been replaced with despised weaknesses.

And then God met me.You know those moments when you're sitting in church and feel as if the pastor is speaking directly at you? There seems to be nobody else present except God, the message deliverer, and the message receiver. Well, Sunday's message was delivered by my dad, who might just be one of my favorite preachers ever ;-)

This statement gripped me: Jesus hand-picked and entrusted His ministry to messed up and uneducated disciples. A few examples:
- Matthew 8: A storm caused them to believe they were perishing; they were rebuked for having no faith.
- Mark 10: They shooed children away because they didn't want Jesus bothered. Jesus was displeased and reminded them that children are the very center of life in the Kingdom.
- Matthew 26: Jesus was in dire need of intercession, just hours before his crucifixion and the disciples are found sleeping.
- Luke 22: The disciples are overheard arguing who is the greatest at the Last Supper and Jesus has to remind them (again!) that the greatest is the one who serves.
- Mark 14: Peter insisted that he would die for Christ, only to deny even knowing Him a few hours later.

The disciples were Jesus' best friends and yet they messed up big time along the way. And yet, these broken, flawed men are what Jesus chose to build His church on!

What hope this gave me! There is no mistake too big for God to fix. I cannot let my flaws hold me back, God does have great things for me to accomplish through Him. My dad went on to emphasize: If God can use a Peter and John, He can most definitely use us. Jesus does not call the equipped, rather He equips the called.

God is in the redeeming business. He loves us SO much despite our never-ending mess-ups!

Recently, I heard this song on the radio and it really spoke to me. God understands our human side. He knows the things we bury deep inside of ourselves. He is our only hope for change. His love keeps showing us He understands our human (flawed & broken) sides.

And may the grace He extends to us, be a daily reminder to extend grace and forgiveness to our own selves because we won't ever be perfect on this side of Heaven.


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