Be Brave

Lately, I've been feeling a stirring in my spirit. You know, that feeling that God is up to something that is beyond me, myself, and I. That gut feeling that I've become complacent and comfortable and the understanding that God wants to take me deeper.

Maybe it's our Sunday School series on Building Friendships on the Heart of God and the discussions that are a result of the Holy Spirit spurring us to branch out and be Jesus to someone new. Maybe it's the book "Be Brave" I'm reading and learning to take new steps and pursue new endeavors.

Whatever it is, God is at work and I want to be molded, pruned, and shaped into His masterpiece.

By nature, I am an introvert. I like to be alone in my thoughts and large groups of people are overwhelming to me. The last several weeks, I have found myself on the sidelines of soccer games and practices as my two oldest children are participating in their very first soccer season. There are a few familiar faces, but the majority of the parents I see twice a week are new faces.

I admit, I suck at making new friends. My shyness, my introverted personality, my narrow comfort zone; it all causes a protective bubble to go up. I sit there waiting for someone else to initiate conversation. But, sadly, in today's society, it seems as if most people are more easily consumed with their established cliques or occupied on their cell phones. So, there I found myself coming and going from the practices and games and making very little contact with others.

Whether it was the Holy Spirit or this sudden surge of bravery, I finally decided in my mind that it's time to be the initiator. In one evening, I struck up at least 5 conversations with totally new people. Totally unheard of in the "Melissa realm"! And you know what? It was empowering, exciting, and God-ordained. Women opened up and shared some of their deepest struggles and fears. I would have missed out on something so special had I not be obedient and brave.

This bravery surge seemed to continue. I let my daughter talk me into hosting her entire first grade class and their families for an end of the school year pond party in a few weeks. We also invited several of her friends to our church's day camp and I offered to transport them and teach a Bible class that week.

Am I terrified? Absolutely.
Excited? Definitely.

Above all, I am humbled that God can use a messed-up, fear-filled human like me to do day to day ministry. Why do we make it so much harder than it really has to be?

As you begin your week, I challenge you to invite God into every moment and crevice of your week. Let Him lead you to the people who need to see and feel God through you. Be the initiator and pursuer of the lost, hopeless, and discouraged. Learn to see others through the eyes of God rather than your own, because our love is human and limited. Our love is easily entangled in our weaknesses and selfishness. But, God's love is perfect and unlimited.

 Be obedient. Be willing. Be brave.


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