I Love My Life

Tears cascaded down my cheeks as I stood in the kitchen chopping onions for our dinner. However, the tears were not caused by the onions. They were tears being shed after a long, no-good, very bad day. A day that had me chasing my wild, 3 year old and cleaning up messes that involved pee, gasoline, and marker. A day spent refereeing countless battles and disagreements. A day where the tasks never seemed to end. A day that looked like I accomplished nothing.

And then I spotted it. A list my 1st grader had written weeks ago and still hung on my fridge.

A varied list. A simplistic view of life through her eyes. The last four words grip me every time.

"I love my life"

And I'm challenged. Do I love my life? The life of motherhood was a longtime dream and just seconds ago I found myself complaining and pitying myself for a hard day. How quickly my blessings can be overshadowed by a selfish, bad attitude.

When was the last time I looked at life through the lens of a child? Do I notice the simplistic beauty of God's creation? Do I let my hobbies and the work of my hands bring me true joy? When will I let the pure child-like perspective permeate my thoughts instead of my negative and selfish outlook?

For instance, when I look at this picture do I see weeds or do I see an endless array of floral beauty? From the handfuls of flowers I have been receiving lately, it's obvious my children see it as an endless array of floral beauty and I am challenged to see through their lens.

I want to see beauty like they do. I want to see life like they do. Lord, change my attitude and perspective. Let's make today a beautiful day by beginning it with a beautiful perspective!


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