
Showing posts from June, 2016

Miracle of Sight

What an honor it is to share our testimony of healing with the readers of Abi Dougherty's  blog  of supernatural stories today! It's true we often do not understand God's ways, but our faith in Him can be so encouraged when we hear of the mighty works He does in others' lives! When this miracle took place, our foster son Jude was 7 months old and we were concerned at his lack of eye control.  During his attempts to focus on objects, his eyes would rapidly twitch back and forth. The pediatrician diagnosed him with a hereditary condition called nystagmus. Although, it's not really treatable, glasses often help the issue. So, we pursued a pediatric eye specialist. The eye doctor agreed with the diagnosis and commented that sports, like baseball, would be very difficult for him due to the amount of eye focusing needed to hit a ball with a bat. He then proceeded to dilate his eyes to make sure they were developing properly. It was at this point in the visit that I...


Friday evening our family went out for ice cream to celebrate the end of school and the beginning of summer! After the completion of our yummy desserts, we let our kids play on the adjoining play set. Our daughter joyfully cartwheeled across the lawn until she started screaming in extreme pain. At first we thought she was being dramatic, but as the hours wore on and she still could not walk on it, we began suspecting a broken foot.  Sunday morning my husband graciously accompanied her to the local QuickCare. Even after x-rays, the doctors could not decipher whether or not she had any broken bones and referred us to an orthopedic doctor. In between lots of resting, elevating, and icing her foot, I was trying to wrap my mind around how I was going to juggle this in addition to my already-busy week. Of course, the financial and insurance end of things were also weighing heavily on my mind. The reality of summer vacation just beginning, how swimming was going to work with a cast, ...