Miracle of Sight

What an honor it is to share our testimony of healing with the readers of Abi Dougherty's blog of supernatural stories today! It's true we often do not understand God's ways, but our faith in Him can be so encouraged when we hear of the mighty works He does in others' lives!

When this miracle took place, our foster son Jude was 7 months old and we were concerned at his lack of eye control.  During his attempts to focus on objects, his eyes would rapidly twitch back and forth. The pediatrician diagnosed him with a hereditary condition called nystagmus. Although, it's not really treatable, glasses often help the issue.

So, we pursued a pediatric eye specialist. The eye doctor agreed with the diagnosis and commented that sports, like baseball, would be very difficult for him due to the amount of eye focusing needed to hit a ball with a bat. He then proceeded to dilate his eyes to make sure they were developing properly. It was at this point in the visit that I wanted to cry. The doctor realized, after dilation, how severe of an astigmatism Jude had. He kept apologizing...over and over and over. I wanted to scream, "What are you telling me? What does this mean?" Finally he told me in terms I could understand: Jude could very well be legally blind and probably would never drive a car.

The severity of his diagnosis hit me like a rock. I felt crushed, scared, and totally out of control. I wept. I wept for this little boy that God had given us, this little boy who had already been through too much, this little boy who felt a part of our family, and yet, wasn't officially, nor did we know if he ever would be...

I was scared of the lifestyle that might lay ahead. Could I keep going? Did I have the strength and courage to face a mountain so big? Then I remembered the day we got the placement call several months before: God told me this journey was going to be a difficult one, but that He would be with us through it all. We were meant to bring this baby into our home. And now, when the doubts and fears were closing in, I clung to this promise that God was with us in the midst of this storm.

My dear husband took this diagnosis head on. He leaned into God, like I never saw him do before. Then, God began speaking to him through the passage in John 9 where Jesus heals a blind man. Verse 3 is what hit him: "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." We clung to this promise. Our faith was smaller than a mustard seed, but we chose to believe.

Jude started wearing his glasses at 8 months old. I remember getting so weary of people asking how we kept glasses on a baby. But, by God's grace and the fact that he could see better, those glasses stayed on and never broke once! About 6 months later, I began noticing him pulling his glasses off and not wanting to wear them. By now he was a mobile child, and I caught him running into walls and bumping into things. I began to wonder if his eyes had changed.

At this point we were scheduling surgery with the eye specialist to have his clogged tear ducts opened. I mentioned my concerns to the doctor at one of the appointments. He was very doubtful that Jude's eyes would've made any significant change in an 8 month period. But the doctor went ahead and dilated his eyes to check them out. I'll never forget the doctor's shock when he discovered Jude's eyes had improved...to the extent that his right eye was borderline for even needing glasses! He could give no medical explanation on how Jude's eyes could have improved that much! Of course, we give ALL the glory to God and His healing touch on Jude's eyesight. It humbles and amazes me that God took us through a very dark and scary time, only to have His glory and powerful healing do a complete miracle!

Today, Jude sees 20/20 with his glasses, but he is a vivacious, energetic 7-year-old who loves everything boys love. He whacks that baseball further than his older sister, he rides his bike with the speed of lightening, he loves watching airplanes fly overhead, and he reads with ease. Anytime I doubt God's goodness, I am reminded of His Hand in our lives simply by glancing at MY SON.

Over the years we come in contact with many families who are discerning the call to adopt through foster care. I'm always honest when I tell them it won't be an easy journey, but God is ALWAYS faithful. And it's in the challenging times that He often chooses to involve us in miracles. 

So, whatever life may be throwing at you today, may you rest in the fact that God is in control, He is with you, and He desires to show His power in your life...just ASK HIM!

Here Jude is pictured at his first baseball game...yes, playing the exact sport the Doctor said would be too hard for him!!


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