
Friday evening our family went out for ice cream to celebrate the end of school and the beginning of summer! After the completion of our yummy desserts, we let our kids play on the adjoining play set. Our daughter joyfully cartwheeled across the lawn until she started screaming in extreme pain. At first we thought she was being dramatic, but as the hours wore on and she still could not walk on it, we began suspecting a broken foot. 

Sunday morning my husband graciously accompanied her to the local QuickCare. Even after x-rays, the doctors could not decipher whether or not she had any broken bones and referred us to an orthopedic doctor.

In between lots of resting, elevating, and icing her foot, I was trying to wrap my mind around how I was going to juggle this in addition to my already-busy week. Of course, the financial and insurance end of things were also weighing heavily on my mind. The reality of summer vacation just beginning, how swimming was going to work with a cast, and her upcoming dance recital had me worried.

This morning I found myself unable to sleep with the uncertainties of my week consuming me. In a prayer of desperation and surrender I finally admitted to God that my day and my week are out of my control. I pleaded that He be the orchestrator of all the unknowns that lay ahead of me. "Please lead and guide us to the right appointments and doctors, " I whispered.

Finally, I believed with confidence that I was not facing my day alone. I felt peace as I knew God would guide and lead me. I decided to go check on Brooke to see if the pain and swelling of her foot lessened overnight. When I entered her room, I was shocked to see her up and playing Barbies! 

"How is your foot feeling?" I cautiously asked.

With a shy smile she answered, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

In shock and surprise and gratefulness and awe I examined her foot. No pain, no swelling, just a perfectly healed foot! In that holy moment, we fell to our knees thanking God for His healing power and this undeserved blessing.

In Matthew, we read the passage in chapter 17 where the disciples are questioning why they couldn't drive out a demon. Jesus answered, "Because you have so little faith. He answered. “For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

I honestly admit my faith was the size of a mustard seed (maybe even smaller!) I knew God could heal Brooke supernaturally or through a doctor. But, I also knew His answer might be "No" or "Wait". But, perhaps the test of our faith can be based on the condition of our hearts. My personality is prone to fix and figure things out on my own. So often, I want to be in control of my circumstances and their outcomes. If that had been my attitude this morning, would I be finding myself seated in a doctor's office right now? I need to daily remind myself that everything is out of my control and that I need to surrender and trust each day and moment to God, letting Him orchestrate it instead of me. 

As for us, Brooke will not be doing any cartwheels anytime soon. But, I will be doing mental cartwheels...praising Jesus for the healing power done in Brooke's foot, as well as the healing power of renewed surrender and trust in my own heart!


  1. Amen amen amen sister! So blessed to rejoice with you in this miraculous healing! Jesus is so powerful!


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