God Cares

One area I have been challenged and growing in my spiritual life is becoming better at being in constant communication with God throughout my day. I'm learning that God loves when we learn to be so in tune with Him, that speaking to Him becomes a natural and everyday part of our lives. When my day is focused completely around Him, my eyes are opened to how He is moving and doing miracles all around me! I am also more in tune to the Holy Spirit's prompting to encourage and impact individuals I come in contact with.

I know how my spirit is often encouraged when I hear others' testimonies of how God moves in their daily experiences, so I thought I would share three instances where God showed me He cares about the small details in my life recently.

I remember being challenged by a speaker to involve God, even in our shopping. Last week, I had a few kid-less hours before a meeting and decided to take a trip to the mall for some swimsuit shopping. I decided to go with low-set expectations, so if I came home empty-handed I wouldn't be too devastated. Then, I remembered that speaker's advice about asking God to bless my shopping and said a quick prayer while walking into the store. I searched two department stores and only found one I liked enough to try on. That was a disappointment, until I realized I actually really liked the swimsuit! Imagine that...first and only suit I tried on is a go!! However, my excitement waned when I realized this was going to cost me $68 with my coupon. I felt prompted to pray again and asked God for another simple miracle, but I doubted that God would slash the price of the swimsuit I wanted! I arrived at checkout, still unsure if I was willing to spend the money. The cashier rung up the suit and, unbeknownst to me, my purchase qualified for a special in-store sale going on and I snagged that swimsuit for $49, which was $1 below my budget!

God cares about the small things.

The second instance involves my son's birthday gift. He will be turning 8 on Sunday and we decided to surprise him with a basketball net (shh...secret until Sunday!). We found a good deal online, but I didn't want to order it quite yet because I didn't want to have to keep it hidden for longer than a week. However, when I went to purchase it last week they were completely SOLD OUT. I spent an hour trying to find a matching deal, with no luck. Every other site wanted $50-$100 more with no guarantee it would be here in time for his birthday. I was crushed. I knew God cared, but would He care enough to grant me another miracle?! I prayed that it would be back in stock by Saturday, but deep-down I accepted the fact I was going to probably have to pay more than I wanted. Saturday afternoon I was doing some baking when I suddenly had a strong urge to check the Wal-Mart website. I tried not to get my hopes up, but imagine my delight when the site said there were six basketball nets in stock!! I received the same great deal and it will arrive in time for his party!

God cares about the small things.

The final instance came as a blessing in disguise. I really wasn't too happy at first, but God has showed me this is a direct gift from Him. My birthday boy son is also long overdue for his bi-annual eye exam. His condition causes a lot of change in his eyesight and he desperately needs new glasses. His March exam was postponed until May and then I was informed that exam was cancelled as well. When I called to schedule a new appointment, his doctor had no openings until October. That would be 1 year and 9 months since his last dilation and I was NOT happy! Once the initial annoyance wore off, I began to think that perhaps, God is up to something. We were able to find an exceptional doctor that accepts his insurance and specializes in his condition.  We finalized his appointment this week and it just so happens to be the same week of his original appointment that was cancelled at his previous doctor!

God cares about the small things.

Perhaps these stories seem small and trivial to you, but to me, they speak of God's love and care. Yes, they are relatively small things and certainly not life-altering miracles. But, how encouraging it is to know that the God of the universe cares about the small things!

It’s easy to look around at what’s happening in the earth today and be tempted to feel afraid or dismayed. Circumstances may seem overwhelming. Maybe your business is struggling, maybe you lost your job, maybe you’re struggling in a relationship or concerned about the economy. During times like these, it’s important to remember that God has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us. In fact, not only is He with us, He has promised to strengthen us and harden us to difficulties. That me:

God cares what you are facing too. He wants to be involved in your day to day experiences, even the mundane! He longs for you to invite Him into your thoughts and conversations. He smiles when we trust Him completely, even with the small things.

Or maybe you have been praying and pleading to Him and He seems silent. Your prayers seem unanswered and you feel rejected. Please know that He does hear, He does care, and He is at work. We will never understand why God sometimes answers with "no" or "wait."

Don't Stress, Trust God's Timing - Inspirations, and take life one day at a time, one task at a time.:

Wherever you find yourself struggling today, I urge you to hold fast to His promises from Isaiah 43:

Fear not, for I have redeemed you
I have called you by name and you are Mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
When you walk through fire, you will not be burned. Not a flame will scorch you.
You are precious in My sight.
You are honored and loved by Me.


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