Stolen Identity

In this technological day in age, sadly, it's not uncommon to deal with jeopardized credit cards, hacked accounts, and a fear of stolen identities. I, personally, have dealt with this annoying reality and fallen victim to these predators more than once. My husband and I decided to protect ourselves with a subscription called LifeLock. Basically, it monitors both of our identities and notifies us of any breach or suspicious activity with our personal information.

You can imagine our concern when we were informed yesterday with this statement: 

"We detected your identity on the dark web, deep web, or a peer-to-peer file sharing network.

When we detect identity information on the dark web, deep web, or peer-to-peer file sharing networks, we notify you. The information found is usually from a list that's being given away, traded, or sold."

Just the thought of my identity on the "dark web" being given away, traded, or sold makes my skin crawl!

But, it got me thinking...about a certain, sinless, man who was given away, traded, and sold. A man who stole my sinful identity. 

A God who loved me so much, He was willing to send His Son to be crucified on a cross meant for me. My selfish, prideful, judgmental, dishonest, sinful self was given a new identity through the blood of the Lamb.   

Let the freshness of this miracle wash over you. Absorb it. Soak it. And let it change you. 

Don't let this Easter season full of egg hunts and family reunions rob you of claiming the true meaning of the season. Realize that you and your sins deserved death on that cross. Those nails were meant for our hands. Those beatings were meant for our bodies. That crown of thorns was meant to be our "crown of glory". That mockery full of hate was to be directed at us.

But no, God chose a different story. A redemptive one. Jesus stole our dirty, messed up identities and replaced it with His. Because He loved us enough to die for us, we have a perfect, cleansed, and new identity. 

We are chosen.
We are dearly loved.
We are holy. 
We are free from condemnation.

Let this reality transform your mind and your life! May we be awestruck how God takes us from the domain of darkness and transfers us into His Kingdom, full of the light of His presence. Accept His gift of a new identity that was bought for you with the price of His precious Son. 

Because of His nail-scarred hands, we have the freedom of approaching His throne. Let the words of this song wash over you as you rest and reflect on the miracle of Easter.

Boldly I Approach

By grace alone somehow I stand
Where even angels fear to tread
Invited by redeeming love
Before the throne of God above
He pulls me close with nail-scarred hands
Into His everlasting arms
When condemnation grips my heart
And Satan tempts me to despair
I hear the voice that scatters fear
The Great I Am the Lord is here
O praise the One who fights for me
And shields my soul eternally
Boldly I approach Your throne
Blameless now I'm running home
By Your blood I come welcomed as Your own
Into the arms of majesty
Behold the bright and risen Son
More beauty than this world has known
I'm face to face with Love Himself
His perfect spotless righteousness
A thousand years a thousand tongues
Are not enough to sing His praise
This is the art of celebration
Knowing we're free from condemnation
O praise the One praise the One
Who made an end to all my sin


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