Just Be

I think it's safe to say we all struggle to "just be" in our always-connected culture. It seems to be a daily wrestling match in my mind--is this a memory I should capture by taking a picture or should I just soak it into my memory? My problem is that my memories are often triggered by photos and I want to "snap away" with my camera so my kids can remember!

It's also a reality that phones are no longer "just phones". They are to-do lists, grocery lists, cameras, bank account ledgers, e-mails, Bibles, online stores, radio stations, podcasts, calculators, flashlights, weatherman...not to mention a source of entertainment! No wonder it's so hard to put our phones down and disconnect!

I had an observation at the park this evening with my kids. There was a concert going on across the street and I was amused by some of the older people dancing the night away.

But then, I turned around and saw this young boy absorbed in his phone rather than enjoying the beautiful evening playing at the park.

The drastic difference between the two generations hit me between the eyes. Which generation am I more like? Or am I a muddled mess of the two? 

How many times am I self-absorbed in my own world, clueless to my surroundings? How often have I missed special memories and joy because I am closed off in my own bubble? 

This doesn't necessarily only apply to our phone addictions. We have become a culture closed off to the needs around us. We have become self-absorbed machines that would rather interact with computers instead of humans. Who else is guilty of hiding from neighbors because they're not in the mood to chat? Or dodge an aisle in the grocery store because of not "having time" to talk to someone you know? 

God reminded me of the story of Mary and Martha, of which too often I tend to be like Martha. 

Self-absorbed...caught up in details...stressed...occupied... frustrated...distracted...

But Jesus commended Mary for focusing on Him...sitting at His feet...absorbing His presence... resting...at peace...just being...

Which side of the park do you find yourself today? Are you fully present, finding the joy in life, and soaking in your experiences? Or are you distracted, self-focused, and alone? God's mercy is new every day and He is all for new beginnings. Let's make an effort to be more connected to God and people and less connected to technology. May we all have the courage and strength to "just be"!

More life, less rush.


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