You Are What You Eat
I remember learning the age-old tactics of nutrition in school. The food pyramids and humorous graphics indicating "You are what you eat" to somehow encourage and motivate us to eat more fruits, veggies, and protein.
Earlier this week, I did a science experiment with my kids. We took my white hydrangeas and put them in a vase of colored water of their choice.
The effects were quite mesmerizing! After a few days of ingesting the colored water, each of the flowers became a different tint of color. I included a fresh white flower in this picture, so the tint of the blue, green, and orange is more noticeable.
I was subtly reminded of the spiritual application that can be applied to our lives. What are we ingesting into our lives? Deadly toxins from this sinful world or pure, Living Water?
The Bible is clear that "out of the overflow of our heart, the mouth speaks". So, the TV shows, books, music, and websites that we expose ourselves to and ingest will slowly impact our minds, our speech, and our lives as the devil gains a stronger foothold.
Or what about gossip, negative thinking, and envy? If we are constantly feeding on these, how quickly our lives can become tainted. If I am honest, this area has been difficult for me the past few days. Although, we have adjusted to our summer routine, I feel mentally exhausted. An introvert through and through, I haven't been able to recharge in blissful silence like usual. My kids always conversing, activities galore, and more work to do everywhere I look! My negative attitude got the best of me by last evening and, unfortunately, I took that out on those I love most.
So, this is a challenge to myself as well. Won't I better reflect Christ if I focus on what is pure, lovely, true, and admirable? If Jesus is our source, our lives can be a pure reflection of Christ!
We can chase those grumpies away with the realization of our many blessings.
We can stop that gossipy conversation and pray for that person instead.
We can replace our TV time with reading or exploring a new hobby.
We can start our day in God's Word and end it in prayer.
Let's strive to be world-changers by sinking our roots deep into the right sources of nourishment...after all, you are what you eat!

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