Being Authentic

There has been a tree on the lot next door that has intrigued me for awhile. From the front, it looks like a typical evergreen and you would barely notice that it is struggling to survive.

But a quick side view reveals that this tree has a major nutrient deficiency or health issue!

As you can see, the tree is completely bare on one side and definitely not a picture of "thriving". How often do we find ourselves like this tree? 

A picture of health or perfection on the outside for others to see, but inside we are wasting away. 

Sharing the highlight reel on social media, but hiding the raw and ugly side of life. 

Our roots are shallow and lack of "Son-light" prevent us from being spiritually nourished.

The first core value at my church is "Be Authentic", a growing challenge to be real and not fake. Are we willing to let people see the broken, exposed, and hurting sides of ourselves? Or will we choose to continually fool ourselves and others with a mask? 

I consider myself to be a fairly open and transparent person, but I know that does not come easily to everyone. My whole reason for starting this blog was out of a realization of my own brokenness. My hunger for control and my battle with anxiety in my journey through motherhood. Recently I came across this image on Pinterest and I was gripped with how many of these I struggle with. 

Distorted thinking

The title urges us to "kill" these 7 types of negativity. But, I also think that if this negativity is not addressed, they can "kill" us. Just like that tree I wrote about earlier, these struggles can often be hidden and end up bringing death rather than life. 

I can't help but think of  the song "Thrive" by Casting Crowns. It's my prayer that you can experience the unspeakable joy, unsinkable faith, and unstoppable love of our Savior. 

Each January I choose a Bible passage for the year and this year's verses from Jeremiah 17:5-8 tie in well with what God has been teaching me:

Wisdom from the Lord
 “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans,
    who rely on human strength
    and turn their hearts away from the Lord. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert,
    with no hope for the future.
They will live in the barren wilderness,
    in an uninhabited salty land.     and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank,
    with roots that reach deep into the water.
Such trees are not bothered by the heat
    or worried by long months of drought.
Their leaves stay green,
    and they never stop producing fruit.

This is what the Lord says:
“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord

Remember, life is about thriving, not just surviving! So, I urge you to be real with someone. Open up those hidden areas of your life and gain some accountability. Address the negativity in your life. And let God breathe new life into the dead and lifeless areas in your life!


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