Store-lady VS Delores

I recently had experiences with two vastly different women and they each brought out a different side of me. The first scenario was at a local store. I approached the busy check-out lanes and noticed a lady standing off to the side. Assuming she wasn't claiming a spot in any of the lines, I proceeded to walk around her to a check-out that had just finished with a customer. Suddenly, this lady's booming voice pierced throughout the entire check-out area, "EXCUSE ME, MISS!!!!! I BELIEVE I WAS NEXT!!!" 

Lots of eyes turned towards the recipient of these harshly spoken words---me! I apologized and told her I did not realize she was waiting in line and left her go in front of me. In an equally harsh tone she scoffed, "I have places to be, for goodness sake!" That last comment lit my defenses into an open flame and I'm ashamed to admit I spat back, "Well, I do too!"

Even though that was the truth, as I had to pick up my kids from school in about 10 minutes, I don't believe she heard my comment in the midst of her loud mutterings. Whether she heard it or not, I felt that pang of conviction as soon as I hissed those words. Her accusations and assumptions hurt, but the ugly that came forth from me in response was certainly no better. 

A few days later, I heard a teaching from Beth Moore and she spoke a bit on the passage from Isaiah 47:8 where it says, "O lover of luxury, who sits securely, who says to herself, "I am, and there is none besides me." It's a sad reality that today's world is consumed with "me-ism". Preferred pictures are selfies and life is lived with only thoughts of me, myself, and I. 

I realize that my problem and store-lady's problem were actually quite similar...selfishness, pride, and judgmentalism. Lord, forgive me!

Then this week, I had an entirely different experience. I volunteered to take a dear, blind lady named Delores to a doctor appointment. Listening to her story, I was in awe of the joy and happiness that was visibly transparent. She has been robbed of eyesight since she was 15 years old, she's been abused and abandoned, and yet she awakes everyday looking for precious blessings. Even in the public setting of a doctor's office, she can radiate Christ's love and joy. She makes a point to thank and encourage people all around her. Delores has a way of making a lousy day brighter and I felt so inspired after spending time with her. 

As if God wasn't already getting His point across to me, I was also struck by yesterday's Girlfriends In God devotional: 

"We need to remember that our attitudes and conversations give off a smell. The apostle Paul said, “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life” (2 Corinthians 2:14-16a, emphasis mine).          
Does your attitude give off an aroma of Christ?            
Are those around you drawn to Him as a result of the love and peace you display?          
Do your conversations consistently honor God, embody the fruit of the Spirit, and expel the fragrance of life…or are they sometimes laced with bitterness, resentment, anger, complaining, and gossip?            
Imagine what message it will send to our loved ones, our neighbors, our co-workers, and our communities when we intentionally locate and throw away our stinky, sour attitudes, and seek God for renewal of our minds and actions. Let’s smell good today, friend! Let’s run the race before us as women of honor who, through the power of the Holy Spirit, give off an aroma of Christ."

Perhaps, like me, you have been convicted of having bitter conversations or a sour attitude. Without a doubt, I would like to make an imprint on this world for being a "Delores" rather than a grumpy "Store-Lady"! Let's all strive to be kinder, more patient, loving, encouragers to people we meet. You never know how much the gift of a smile can mean to someone!

Everyone could use a little more love in their life... even if from a stranger.


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